Sunday, December 16, 2012

Final week of school for 2012 Dec. 17-20

My mind and mood is quite angry today. Locate the news to know why.

This week is finals weeks. below is the schedule for our classes. Please, check to what days are finals are. For the most part, each final will consist of a one day in class assignment. It is extremely important to be here the days of your final. The remaining class times and days will consist of a one week, simple assignment that WILL go in this nine weeks grading period.

Monday, December 17th
1st and 3rd period exams

Tuesday, December 18th
2nd and 4th period exams

Wednesday, December 19th
5th period exam

Thursday, December 20th
6th and 7th period exams  

May god help us all. 

Mr Jeremy Grizzle

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week of Dec. 10-14

We have, officially, two week until winter break. This time of year is hard, for all of us, to focus on the task at hand. This certainly includes me. However, we will finish out the physical year with two assignments. AP, remember, thought there are a lot of your submitting, regardless if you are or NOT, you must have a completed AP style portfolio to me by the AP deadline. The midway date or half portfolio check is Dec. 19th. Do not put yourself in academic trouble simply due to your own laziness. REMEMBER: Half of your AP portfolio serves as your semester exam and grade.
     The rest of us with continue to work dealing with 'holiday-type' issues. Please read below.

RHS Art Students Can ----->

1- 2D/3D: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
2- New Media: Christmas Music Videos- as per student request, students are to create (at school) a christmas music video of a song of their choice. This maybe individual or independent.
4- 2D/3D: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
5- Ad. Art: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolio Work
7- Art I : One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week Dec. 3- 7 Ain't Nobody Got Time for THAT!

Whole lota painting going on in the art room these past and coming weeks. Pretty much all projects have been extend from last week to this week. So, for the most part lesson plans for this week should look quite similar to last. Big congratulations to many various art students that qualified for Nationals with the BETA Club. Recognition and awards are good & fine, though never a measuring stick to actual art, but it only goes to show how many TALENTED students we have in our school. Not just academics. Not just athletic. We have students that are talented in various places that most 'educators' rarely look. We are those that are touched by God. Namaste.

As always it's quite busy back in the art room. However, we need to make a special attempt to clean and clean out materials and brushes. I ain't yo momma & I'm sure yo momma don't clean brushes.

RHS Art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Continuation.....
2- New Media: A Christmas Story. Continuation....
4- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Continuation....
5- Advanced Art: Cheesy Christmas Portraits. Continuation....
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolio work
7- Art I: Cheesy Christmas Portraits. This was originally to be a painting lesson on still-life. However, Art I students want to do this project. I agreed.

As Always....
Our Week Beats Your Year...
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week of Nov. 26th - 30th

      Thanksgiving is over. Christmas is soon on it's way. However, we have a ton of work to be done before we leave for winter break. Most classes will be diving into painting. For the most part, all classes will be using the media, but in different ways. Your clean-up is always as great importance. However, this next month it will be huge. Your clean-up will become part of your grade this unit. Be aware.

RHS Art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Students are to do a small amount of research into the artist they choose. Then take one of their paintings and update it to our own time. The use of your creativity is paramount to this assignment. Direct copying will not be tolerated. Use the work, then expand upon it. Projected due date is Nov. 30.
2- New Media: A Christmas Story. This project will be improved on monday, then worked upon in groups as the week goes a long. Each group is required to create a Christmas story of their own. Genre of work is up to each group.
4- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Students are to do a small amount of research into the artist they choose. Then take one of their paintings and update it to our own time. The use of your creativity is paramount to this assignment. Direct copying will not be tolerated. Use the work, then expand upon it. Projected due date is Nov. 30.
5- Advanced Art: Christmas Portraits. Students are to take a famous portrait and transform it into a Christmas one. This project maybe expanded upon using photography.
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration and Breadth work. Deadline date is fast approaching.
7- Art I: Still-life Fundamentals- students will draw then paint a still-life provided by Mr. Grizzle.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Short week of Nov. 19th & 20th- THANKSGIVING BREAK

Thanksgiving is upon us. Our New Media projects turned out pretty good. So, did our studio projects. This week will be very short. Tuesday will be broken up due to the annual BETA Variety Show during  6th & 7th periods. Our projects this week will be 'Pick your own poison'. These projects are to be done on a simply piece of drawing paper or your sketchbook. You are to create or finish an image of your choice, using 'drawing' media. Critique will be held tuesday.

RHS art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
2- New Media: "ABC's"-In class photography lesson. Combined, edited and published by Nov. 20th.
4- 2D/3D: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
5- Advanced Art: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
6- AP Art Studio: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
7- Art I: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.

P.S. couldn't help myself with the Sandler Turkey Song. A bit naughty in parts, but aren't we all.

As always---
Our Week Beats your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Extended blog for the week of Nov. 12-16

     I recently received some disturbing news in relation to the art education world in our area. I won't go into details but I will say I quite disappointed in how districts can use & abuse the arts in general. I am excessively lucky to have taught/been apart of districts that appreciated what I did, let alone, the arts. Granted, some districts have showed more support than most. My current school district has been nothing but supportive and understanding in relation to my program. It hurts us all, artist-teachers, when any district can supposedly support every facet of athletics & academics but yet take opportunities away from students when they need them. Furthermore, then said districts point fingers at US for being 'uppity' programs and left-leaning when they do nothing but feed their own sociopathic views on what holistic high schools are & suppose to be. The role of public schools are to educate the masses. EDUCATE. The nerve of some districts to cut & tinker with students opportunities to be educated, whether it is what YOU feel is appropriate, is beyond mind numbing. I am so glad, we have people in governmental places that keep these neanderthals in check. The field of status quo and mediocrity is alive and well. I, for one, will not stand for it. Testify.

    This week we will be dealing with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving? Yes, thanksgiving. For the most part a lot of people see thanksgiving as a throw away holiday and several days to get out of school. I, however, look at Thanksgiving from a much different perspective.
     Thanksgiving as a child was a lesson in lies. Yes, lies. The 'original' Thanksgiving story was far from truthful. I don't hold any of my teachers to blame for this. They simply taught what they had been taught. Our indigenous friends also have a much different perspective than us:

     Let's be real frank about this. The original concept of Thanksgiving by the colonist was a celebration of exploration and the conquering of a foreign land. It is easy to see why a lot of Native Peoples dislike our version of Thanksgiving. In all honesty, we are looking at an inadvertent celebration of genocide. I for one, would like to see the holiday transformed into what John Two-Hawks envisioned it.
     It took over a hundred years before any sort of American President would acknowledge what we have done to the indigenous peoples. I for one am happy he did, however we have a long way to go to better relations and conditions for our native friends.
     Needless to say, this weeks projects will have a Thanksgiving slant. New Media was given an assignment last week in relation to creating a video based on the subject. All other classes will be dealing with this subject, with the exception of Art I.

RHS art students can----->

1: 2D/3D- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
2: New Media- finishing the previously assigned lesson
4: 2D/3D- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
5: Advanced Art- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. Photography can be used. However, use of the 'collage app' is recommended.
This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
6: AP Art Studio: ç
7: Art I: Color Theory 3- Rainbow Objects. In this lesson students are to fine a simple black and white line image. Then recreate this image on standard gray paper. Then starting from left to right create rainbow on the interior of the object using acrylic paint. After this is done, details are to be placed in using black. This lesson will take a bit of time. Day of critique TBA.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of Nov. 7-9

     This is out short week. One of a few we will have this coming school year. Nonetheless, this one is a special one. We are electing a president. I will be glad when this is all over. It may just be me, but the older I get the meaner and meaner these things become. Plus, the further and further from the truth some sides are willing to go in order to gain simulate and actual power. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....

     We will continue with color theory this coming week. All studio course, with the exception of New Media, will be finishing the tri-color still life lesson that was begun this past week. New Media will begin a short film on 'What they are thankful for'.

RHS art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
2- New Media: Group video projects. Serious in nature--"What am I thankful for?"
4- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
5- Advanced Art: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
6- AP Art Studio: concentration work
7- Art I: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.

As always.....
Our Week Beats Your Year.

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week of Oct. 29- Nov. 2

     The Ferry Street Freak Show has been going quite well. A lot of you have worked or stopped by. We will be continuing the house until Halloween night. Closed sunday. We re-open monday through wednesday. This has become great fun for this time of year. It makes us incredibly busy but, it a labor of love. This year's house has been close to my own heart. I love the old school carnival and side show environment. It's made me live a bit of my own fantasies of being a bolly man for a side show.
     This week inside the art room, we will critique for our alter books for New Media this friday, Nov. 2. As usual, this assignment has caused some slight controversy. Which is fine with me. At least we are being thought about and talked about. If art isn't making you think then it's a waste of creative time....sort of. Nonetheless, our critiques for our color theory lesson will be thursday. When working with color theory most students get a bit concerned. Dealing with non-representational color can be challenging on many fronts. However, in the long run it forces us to look at color for what it is; an art form.
RHS Art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Work until critique wednesday. Then a new color theory lesson dealing with closed palette.
2- New Media: Continued work on out altered books. Critique is this friday.
4- 2D/3D: Work until critique wednesday. Then a new color theory lesson dealing with closed palette.
5- Advanced Art: Work until critique wednesday. Then a new color theory lesson dealing with closed palette.
6- AP Art Studio: continued work on concentration
7- Art I: Work until critique wednesday. Then a new color theory lesson dealing with closed palette.

As always, 
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week of Oct. 22-26

     The week of our haunted house is at hand. We will be working everyday until it is finished and ready to go. Our opening night will be this thursday at 7:30. The following days are:

Saturday 27 7:30 to 11
Monday 29 7:30 to 10
Tuesday 30 7:30 to 10
Wednesday 31 7:30 to 10

     There will be a sign-up sheet for those those that would like to work. We will need a lot of 'extras' to deal with this year.

     As for the 'regular' art room, we will be shifting gears a bit. I have been noticing quite a few of us having some general issues with color. This week is most classes, we will be dealing with landscapes and the use of color groups. Fall is a great time to deal with this subject. Some classes will be dealing with warm and cools. While others will be dealing strictly with primary. Either assignment would work pretty well with anyone submitting a 2-D AP portfolio as well.

RHS Art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Color Theory- students will create a fall landscape using only warm and cool colors. Mini-lecture on the color wheel will be heard. Also, students will be asked to create a landscape from the 'real' world, as opposed to online this assignment.
2- New Media: Altered Books- students will begin work on an altered book. After seeing a slide presentation and hearing a discussion, students will begin working on this assignment, in class, that will be due the following week.
Kathryn Robinson's Altered Book- 2nd Place Winner : Ohio University Southern Juried Art Show

4- 2D/3D: Color Theory- students will create a fall landscape using only warm and cool colors. Mini-lecture on the color wheel will be heard. Also, students will be asked to create a landscape from the 'real' world, as opposed to online this assignment.
5- Advanced Art: Color Theory- students will create a fall landscape using only warm and cool colors. Mini-lecture on the color wheel will be heard. Also, students will be asked to create a landscape from the 'real' world, as opposed to online this assignment.
6- AP Art Studio- Portfolio work. Students may also opt to do the assignment from other classes as well.
7- Art I- Color Theory- students will create a landscape (of their choosing) then it must be colored using only the primary colors. This assignment will be abstracted in nature. All work is to be done in class.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of Oct. 15-19

Halloween, hopefully, has hit the art room full swing. The short week threw us off a bit in relation to assignments and critiques. Most critiques from this past week will be this monday or tuesday. For the most part we are creating some really nice work. The photography we've been getting from New Media has been off the charts good. I've been pleased. However, there are still some of us that aren't getting the rhythm of the class yet. It'll come.
     This week will be hit a miss in relation to our own artwork. We will be working on some in class assessments for our 'haunted house'. This years theme is 'The Ferry Street Freak Show'. We are located directly beside the Presley Barber Shop on Ferry St. in downtown Russell.

Work days are as follows---

Monday Oct. 15: 5-7pm
Tuesday Oct. 16: 5-7pm
Wednesday Oct. 17: 6-8pm
Thursday Oct. 18: 5-7pm
Friday- Optional

Performance times-
Thursday Oct. 25
Saturday Oct. 27
Monday Oct. 29
Tuesday Oct. 30
Wednesday Oct. 31

We will also be working the week of the shows to fine tune our performances.

RHS Art Students can --->
1- 2D/3D: Critiques for last weeks work. Haunted House work.
2- New Media: Critiques for last weeks work. New assignment given: Documentaries- What is your Refuge?
4- 2D/3d: Critiques for last weeks work. Art Room & Beyond Show work. Haunted House work.
5- Advanced Art: Critiques for last weeks work. Haunted House work.
6- AP Art Studio: continued concentration work. Haunted House work. Art Room & Beyond skits shot.
7- Art I- Critiques for last weeks work. New assignments given: What is your Refuge?

Plus, if you can, try to go see 'Evil Dead the Musical'. This is a performance by the MSU Theatre department. Two of the art rooms own, Caroline Clay & Sam Perkins, are in this production. Support our own, support the arts.

As always,
Our Week Beats your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week of Oct. 9th

     Welcome to Halloween in the art room. Various individuals would like to demean and lessen the fun that Halloween is. In fact, being scared is actually one of the fundamental feeling of being alive. Our body doesn't know the difference between certain 'feelings'. What is 'exciting' to our body is exciting. No matter what. Halloween fits into this category. Granted, it has been commercialized from certain fall pagan ceremonies. However, the spirit of what Halloween is, is the joy of being frightened and entertained. I, for one, enjoy this and from what I have seen most of us in the art room do as well.
     Since this is a 'short week' we will be starting several lessons, with the hope of having a 'good critique' the following friday. However, as this year as gone, that may not happen.

     RHS Art student can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Horror Movie Posters- students will begin work on a poster type work that is based off an actual movie or one that is created from their imagination. Work must be vertical in nature. Contrasting warm and cool colors will be stressed.
2- New Media: Halloween Legends- student will begin work on 10 separate digital photos of a certain Halloween or Urban legend (that is macabre in nature). These images must be directly related to the the story as an illustration for a possible 'book'. Images must be edited and submitted to by due date.
4- 2D/3D: Horror Movie Posters- students will begin work on a poster type work that is based off an actual movie or one that is created from their imagination. Work must be vertical in nature. Contrasting warm and cool colors will be stressed.
5- Advanced Art: Horror Movie Posters- students will begin work on a poster type work that is based off an actual movie or one that is created from their imagination. Work must be vertical in nature. Contrasting warm and cool colors will be stressed.
6- AP Art Studio- Concentration work.
7- Art I: Horror Movie Posters- students will begin work on a poster type work that is based off an actual movie or one that is created from their imagination. Work must be vertical in nature. Contrasting warm and cool colors will be stressed.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of Oct 1-5

     The month of October is upon us. Finally. I love this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I love autumn. The smells, colors, & weather change always puts me into a good mood. Plus, we will begin to work on our Haunted House from the Downtown Russell Business Association starting on the 8th. Halloween is my favorite 'holiday'. I've always enjoyed the macabre & scary. So, be prepared for a chipper than usual Grizzle.
     Our universal theme of emotions have just about played their course. Some of our classes this year are having some trouble with the themes. That's okay. Certain topics aren't for everyone. Nonetheless, some of our classes will continue to deal with emotions. Others will be moving on to some more basic lessons.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? This topic is to be taken seriously. Take time to dig deep. drawing or paintings only.
2- New Media: Horror Photography. Each student is to take 10 photographs that best represent horror to them. Each image needs to be edited some way or another. Due to the size of the class, these photos will be due Thursday so to start critique to get to every ones work. Work should be jpeg & submitted to Mr. Grizzle, digitally, no later than 1st period the day of critique.
4- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? Serious topic. Dig deep. Drawing or painting only.
5- Advanced Art: Sadness. What makes me sad? Drawing or painting only
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration/Breath work
7- Art I: Halloween. What does Halloween mean to me? What does it make me think of? Beginning work in soft pastel, color, & value (contrast).

As always,
Our week beats your year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of Sept. 24th

     We will continue to deal with emotions this coming week. I had others plans in mind. However, I feel we can flush these topics out a bit more. We had some fantastic critiques this past friday. Great work. Great conversation. Overall, we are starting to shape into some really great groups of classes.
     The two emotional topics this week are frustration and sadness. All visual art students will be dealing with what frustrates this in a 2D manner. New Media will be making a film dealing with sadness.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
2- New Media: Sadness- students are to create a short film dealing with sadness. 
4- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
5- Ad. Art: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration Work
7- Art I: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.

As always, 
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of Sept. 17

.....and we keep on moving. Thanks to all of you that volunteered your time at Poage Landing Days. It was greatly appreciated. We are steadily moving into fall. Hopefuly, soon, we will begin work on the haunted house in downtown Russell. We'll see how it goes.
     This weeks topic of creatively is fear. Each studio class will be dealing with this topic. Oddly enough, fear seems to be easier for students to deal with. Happiness & joy are tougher.

RHS Art Students can --->
1- 2D/3D: Fear Project. A visual representation of what puts fear in you.
2- New Media: continue work on music videos
4- 2D/3D: Fear Project. A visual representation of what puts fear in you.
5- Advanced Art: Fear Project. Same as above. Photography may be used. Multimedia projects as well.
6- AP Art Studio: Fear Project. Same as above. Photography may be used. Multimedia projects as well. Concentrations will be due this friday.
7- Art I: Fear Project. Same as above.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week of Sept. 10

Hello Comrades:

     Finally back to another full week. Short weeks usually reek havoc in the art room. We are mostly deadline types. Monday's are when we start. Friday's are when we finish. Shorts weeks mess with our creative system, but not with are sleep habits. Nonetheless, we have been working on drawing these past several weeks. Drawing is such a fundamental part of the art process. However, it doesn't have to be the yard stick by which we are all measured. To many times people come to me and say that they love art but can't even draw a stick person. My response is usually, yes you can. We all can draw. However, we all draw on very different levels. I, myself, never considered myself a drawer. I liked to paint & print-make. However, it truly wasn't until I realized that I use drawing for everything else that I saw that I was more than just a painter. I was a drawer too. Now, that goes without saying, I am certainly not a great drawer. I have had students, over the years, that are much better than I. Does that lessen me as an artist? Does that make me feel bad? Absolutely not, in both cases. I mentioned before my talent was more painting & print-making, but our real talent lies in our mind: Our Creative Minds.
     Over the next several weeks we will be working with the 'Creative Mind'. Our weekly assignments will be based on the over reaching field of our emotions. Each week will be dedicated to a particular emotion. With the exception of New Media, each studio class will be working on assignments to this cause.

RHS art students can ---->
1- 2D/3D: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
2- New Media: Continue working on 'Horror' stop-motion. Begin work on creative music video. Details in lesson plans
4- 2D/3D: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
5- Advanced Art: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
6- AP Art Studio: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored. The option of photography can be used as well. Digital camera's maybe checked out after sign out.
7- Art I: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle 

Monday, September 3, 2012

short week of Sept 3-7


First off, thank an old union member for your day off.  If it was left to the ruling class we would still be working everyday, 12 hours shifts, and pawning your 3 year old little brother to do yard work. However, I digress.......
    I apologize for my illness friday. I had some sort of virus. Really high temperature and chills. Nonetheless, because of this we will be having critique tuesday. Then wednesday we will follow with our regular schedule.
     We will be continuing our work with drawing this week. Each traditional studio class will have a model chosen for the task. I decided to do away with the traditional sketching exercises. So, we will go directly into the model work.
     New Media will continuing to work with stop-motion. We will view the finished products of last weeks work this wednesday then begin working on the new assignment.

RHS art students can ----->

1: 2D/3D- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
2: New Media- Finishing first project. Next assignment will be stop-motion horror. Value & mood will be stressed.
4: 2D/3D- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
5: Advanced Art- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
6: AP Art Studio- drawing from life. students will draw then paint an image of a model given to them. This final image will be abstracted in nature. Students must paint an image of the model then paint her in analogous colors only. Background to be the complement.  Line, shape, color, value & contrast will be stressed.
7: Art I- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week of Aug 27-31

Hello Comrades:

     Last week was our first full work week. It went pretty good. Always be prepared to talk and explain your work. If you didn't get to have a critique of your work last friday you will some other crit-day. Classroom fees are still SLOWLY floating in. Bring these in ASAP. This money comes in and almost immediately goes out to buy art supplies. Remember that it is okay to bring your own materials. However, make sure everything is properly labeled with YOUR NAME. If something is left out most will assume that it is supplies for the room and use them for a project. If your name is on something, that is yours, and someone takes it then we can talk about stealing. Not until then. Plus, when you bring something in make sure it has a place to 'stay'. This means do not randomly leave it on a table or area.
     Our digital cameras are here. Mr. Thompson and the school were gracious enough to buy us 12 digital cameras. Each is labeled with a number for check out during assignments. When using these cameras you will be responsible for purchasing an SD card for media. Students in New Media class will each get one as part of their class fee. Other classes may use one, as projects allow, with use of an SD card.
     Friendly reminders: cell phones will not be used in the art room this year. We have equipment this year to take care of certain assignments. If retrieving a cell phone for picture purposes I must be informed prior to. Plus, if you eat breakfast or lunch in the art room make sure you are cleaning up after yourself. We had some issues with forgotten trays and whatnot last year. This will not happen this year.

RHS Art students can-----> deal with line & shape with drawing.

1: 2D/3D- Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet. Project is due Aug. 31
2: New Media- Live Action Stop-motion: students are to split into 4 groups. Each group is to create a stop-motion comedy using the digital cameras. Project is due Aug. 31
4: 2D/3D-Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet. Project is due Aug. 31
5: Advances Art: Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet.
6: AP Art Studio: Hands & feet: students will great a painting of someone else's feet. Classroom models to be provided. Project is due Aug. 31 along with the abstract idea of each students concentration.
7: Art I: Feet & shoes: Students will draw another still life, at each group table, consisting of the shoes of the students around them. They are to have two finished drawings, with value, but Aug. 31.

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week One 2012/13

Welcome back again comrades!

    The art schedule has changed. Please reference it at the bottom of this blog post. Also, please be reminded of some changes for the art room this school year. Overall these changes will be for the better. Sketchbooks and class fees for the art room are due by next Friday (Aug. 24). Also, AP Art Studio needs to begin gathering additional materials as they need it. Remember to follow my school Twitter account @mrjrgrizzle. Weekly plans and information will be posted here. However, Twitter will be the reminder to bounce here.

Russell High School Art Students can ----->


1- 2D/3D: Short week- a drawing that represents you. Due Aug. 17th.  Full week- Drawing from life- contours line drawing. Demo and lecture Aug. 19th critique Aug. 24.
2- New Media: Crash Course in Film- interview/interviee short documentaries: 4 things I about this past summer. Due Aug 19th.
4- 2D/3D: Short week- a drawing that represents you. Due Aug. 17th.  Full week- Drawing from life- contours line drawing. Demo and lecture Aug. 19th critique Aug. 24.
5- Advanced Art: Short week- a drawing that represents you. Due Aug. 17th.  Full week- Drawing from life- contours line drawing. Demo and lecture Aug. 19th critique Aug. 24.
6- AP Art Studio: Short week- a drawing that represents you. Due Aug. 17th.  Full week- Drawing from life- contours line drawing. Demo and lecture Aug. 19th critique Aug. 24. There will also be discussion on concentrations and breath work.
7- Art I: Short week- a drawing that represents you. Due Aug. 17th.  Full week- Drawing from life- contours line drawing. Demo and lecture Aug. 19th critique Aug. 24.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year:
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day One...2012/13 School Year!

Welcome Back!

    Meet the new boss....same as the old boss. Looking forward to getting back to work will all of you this wonderful day! Lots of changes this year. They will effect everyone. How it effects you....well, is up to you.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The week of April 29th - May 4th

     Well....the art show has come and gone. It was a success, from what I've been told. For the most part I am usually to stressed to realize who or how it went. Nonetheless, we had twice the amount of people this year as last. All displays were very nice. A big thanks to my mother, Ann Grizzle, for all of her hard work serving food and letting me worry about other things. :) Nonetheless, our week this week will be a bit of a shorter one. We have an early release day this coming friday. This also corresponds to Prom at RHS.
     We will be getting back into some different assignments as the years winds down.

RHS Art students can ----->

1: Art I- Art & literature. Students are to create their own illustration of a happening out of their favorite book. This is to be a drawing. Color can be used
3: AP Art History- finishing our presentations. then continuing with review
4: 2D/3D- Art & literature. Students are to create their own illustration of a happening out of their favorite book.
5: Advanced Art- Art & literature. Students are to create their own illustration of a happening out of their favorite book. Photography maybe used. However, all images must to shot on site.
6: AP Art Studio- continue work on ceiling titles. Plus, all student submitting to the College Board will be needing to finalize their work to submit
7: New Media- Final Film. This film is to be a film-ette. 10 to 20 minutes in length. 90% of the film should be shot on site. It is to be completely student made and shot. The film should tell a definite story. Genre is up to the group.

As always,
Our Week beats your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week of April 9th - 13th

     Well, well.....spring break was great, but lets get to work! April is BY FAR the busiest month for us in the art room. We have the show on the 26th, we will be creating the back drop for the 'Our Town' production, & we will be putting together several AP portfolios for judging. Nonetheless, we will continue to work on weekly assignments. Plus, I will be firing this week on any odd clay projects that anyone has been working on.

RHS Students can ----->
1: Art I- Flowers. Students are to create a life-like image of a flower/s using a media of their choice.
3: AP Art History- Final project work, review for AP exam
4: 2D/3D- Flowers. Students are to create a life-like 3D or 2D work of a flower.
5: Adv. Art- Flowers. Students are to create a life-like image of a flower/s using a media of their choice. Students can option to do photography. However, multiple printed off images are required for the crit.
6: AP Art Studio- Flowers. See above.
7: New Media- continue work on parodied music videos.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week of March 26- 30th

Hello art comrades!

     One more week and we's be bustin it spring break. However, we have one more week to be working! As mentioned in class this coming week we will be working with the concept of 'the great escape'. Images should be either drawing or painting on paper, minimum of 11x14 in size, and due friday. We will also we working on making the backdrops for the theatres production of 'Our Town'.

RHS students can ----->
1: Art I- 'The Great Escape'
3: AP Art History- monday & tuesday we will be in the labs for research work. Starting wednesday we will begin review for the AP exam and the final.
4: 2D/3D- 'The Great Escape'
5: Adv. Art- 'The Great Escape'
6: AP Art Studio- begin concept work of artshow.
7: monday & tuesday we will be in the maclab for work.

as always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week of March 19th - 23rd

     It plans on being substantially warmer this week in the Bluegrass State. Minds, I'm sure, will be wondering to the exterior of the building. Nonetheless, we have quite a busy week ahead of us, well for most of us, for sure.
     Juniors will be taking the ACT this week. This will be an all day important adventure. I am excited and impressed that our state has adopted this college readiness test as a measurement.
   For those of us that aren't juniors, we will collectively creating images of things that fly. This is to be a simple project, again, giving us some more room and space to submit to the art show in April.
RHS Art students can ----->
1st: Art I- Things that Fly--- drawing or painting on paper. 11x14 limit
3rd: AP Art History- Review/Art to me project work
4th: 2D/3D- Things that Fly ---drawing or painting on paper. 11X14 limit
5th: Advanced Art- Things that Fly--- drawing or painting on paper. 20x 24 limit
6th: AP Art Studio- Things that Fly--- drawing only 9x12 limit
7th: New Media- Final Documentary work w/ in class assignments.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week of March 12-16th

     This time of year is always a bit crazy. Spring is right around the corner and with it comes testing and finishing for the year. We have the spring art show on the horizon and various activities to take part in. Nonetheless, we will try to be as 'normal' as we can back in ye ol' art room.
     Animals have been a huge part of my life. I have had dogs all the way to flying squirrels. For most people animals, regardless make a huge impact on our world. This week, in most classes, we will be focusing on animals and their influence on us.

RHS art students can ----->
1- Art I- Animal Action Portraits- students are to draw an animal doing what they are know for. A cheetah running. A bird flying, etc. This will be due on friday.
3- AP Art History- We will looking at Identity Art and getting details on the final project
4- 2D/3D- Visual play on words sculpture- students will create a sculpture that is a visual play on foods. For example....a butterfly would be a piece of butter with wings, etc.
5- Adv. Art- Animals in Action- students can draw or paint an image of an animal doing what it does best.
6- AP Art Studio- Studio work
7- New Media- Beginning details of the final documentary film project. Plus in class assignment.

As always,
Our weeks beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week of March 5 - 9th

     This week represents Mrs. Claxon's last week with us. She has been a great help in the art room and she will honestly be missed. Nonetheless, she will be right next door at RMS with Dr. Decker for the next eight weeks. Most of our studio classes will be finishing a lesson with her based on Banksy's work.
     All AP students need to register for their respected exams the next couple of weeks. Please keep times and money in mind.
    Our art show has been schedule for April 26th. This is a thursday. Please, mark your calendars for this date.

RHS art students can ---->
1: Art I- finishing Banksy Project
3: AP Art History- Modern Art
4: 2D/3D- finishing Banksy Project
5: Advanced Art- finishing Banksy Project
6: AP Art Studio: studio work
7: New Media- Forced perspective photography.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week of Feb 20 -24

So.....having the flu really stinks. I will back on monday, though a bit weaker. Hopefully, everyone's clay pieces will make it through the firing process and we can begin to glaze our projects this coming week. Also, as a side note, we ALL will be diving back into drawing for a spell. Just to keep our selfs in tune, then we will start into other projects.

RHS Art students can ----->

1: Art I- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on ethnic self portraits
3: AP Art History- Art & Revolution. Study guides will be given out
4: 2D/3D- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on ethnic self portraits
5: Adv. Art- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on 'eating fruit drawing'.
6: AP Art Studio- self portrait work
7: New Media- look at photos. Begin portraits that represent emotions project

As always.....
Our weeks beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of Feb 13 - 17th

     Ms. Claxon will continue to hold the lead this week. Our clay sculptures are looking quite impressive. Not only has she taught you, she has taught me as well. Continue to check back here to see any sort of updates on this.
     New Media will be taking a break from video-ing for a spell. Look forward to a few more hands-on projects and artwork.
     We are hitting the world of avant garde europe during and between the world wars. Please be reading as much as you can. Your last tests are about finished. You will receive them back before the next test.

-----> RHS Art Students can
1: Art- Clay Sculpture continue
3: AP Art History- continue with Dada into Art of the Revolutions
4: 3D- Clay Sculpture continue
5: Ad. Art- Clay Sculpture continue
6: AP Art Studio- Self Portrait work.
7: New Media- Memorial poster due. Begin work on 'Odd placement' photography lesson.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of Feb 6 through 10

     Ms. Claxon will be taking the lead this week in several of our classes. She will be giving a two week lesson on clay sculpture. Please not which class she will be leading below. 
     This week there will be some need to begin some serious work on the spring art show. I will be placing phone calls to various individuals pertaining to this. 
     Many of us got into the second annual Southern Ohio University High School Art Show. If you didn't get in please, no worries. Being rejected, from time to time, is part of being an artist. Talk to Claude Monet if you want a pick me up. :) Nonetheless, here are the students that made it:

Shelly Gupta
Shelby Halter
Alexandra Holmes
Anna Reneau
Kathryn Robinson
Clifton Ross

RHS Art Students can ----->
1: Art I- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
3: AP Art History- Early to Modern Art
4: 3D- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
5: Advanced Art- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
6: AP Art Studio- continued work with portfolio. Individual conferences will take place
7: New Media- Self-portrait lesson is due. Will begin new work in photography.

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weeks of Jan 25th through 30th

     Hello ALL! So I've missed a few days this week. My daughter tested positive for the flu so we had to stay home. I can honestly say I love my job and can't wait to get back at it. It's unfortunate that a lot cannot be done in the art room when I am gone. I do not take any sort of pride in this, but an art room and it's teacher seem to be an organic 'thing'. One without the other is sort of, well, sad. Nonetheless, I will be back on the 26th. Hopefully, I will return to some awesome paper mache projects.
     The week of the 30th we will begin sort of transition period for Ms. Claxon. She will slowly be given more responsibilities and teaching duties. Oddly enough she has been doing just that this week due to me being out. We will be continuing with sculpture this coming week. The following weeks we will be doing some clay sculpture with Ms. Claxon. She is quite talented in this area and I am excited to see what you guys can do with what she teaches you.
     The coming week we will be doing a different type of sculpture: Paper. Now, granted we have already done something very similar in paper mache......well? sort of. This weeks lesson is a bit complicated and I am sure it will frustrate some of you. However, work and attention to content and concept we will all be successful.

Title- Creative Paper Sculpture
Objectives- students will create a three dimensional sculpture using only a single sheet of drawing paper and 'adhesives' of their choice.
Elemental and Principle Focus- Form, Shape & Contrast
Activity- Using scissors, knifes.....whatever, what 3D object can you create out of a single piece of drawing paper? You may only use the paper itself to create your sculpture. You don't have to us all of it, but you cannot add more paper to it. Color is an option. Be creative.

RHS students can ----->
1- Art I: Creative Paper Sculpture
3- AP Art History: Romanticism into Realism
4- 2D/3D: Creative Paper Sculpture
5- Advanced Art: Creative Paper Sculpture
6- AP Art Studio: Continue with work for submittal. The digital upload window has opened.
7- New Media: continued work in the 'mock reality show short film'.... always
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week of Jan. 9th through 13th

This week we are diving into the realm of three dimensions. I have already mentioned to most classes our assignment for this week. Here it is, again, in detail----->

Found Object Sculpture
Objective- Students will create a free standing found object sculpture that 'looks' as if it is in motion.
Resources- student's own found objects. glue. glue sticks. glue gun, tape and/or adhesives students need.
Procedures- Found object sculptures are relatively new in the old realm of art. For the most part, early on, these type of sculptures were seen as 'junk art' or work that was pushed to the fringes of 'outsider art' or 'folk art'. Nonetheless found object sculptures, for the most part, do not have to be fully representational or 'naturalistic'. In fact, the more quirky something is the more endearing it seems to be. See the below examples.

     Of course, right click on the images to see and/or find the source for each artist. Most of these seem to be made out of metal. Ours does not have to be simplified to just that.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1. Art I- Found Objects sculpture
3. AP Art History- Rococo & 'The Age of Enlightenment'
4. 2D/3D- Found Objects sculpture
5. Advanced Art. - Found Objects sculpture
6. AP Art Studio- portfolio work.
7. New Media- Group Project- Mock Political Endorsement Ads.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Week of Jan 3rd through 6th

     Whelp! New Year. With it comes, well, a new year. Couple of years ago I used to study Ancient Chinese new year customs and the animals associated with the 12 year moon cycle. I had books upon books. I read all that I could get my hands on or could read. However, 2012 has an auspicious look. We are in the year of the Water Dragon. Water in most representations is a symbol for change. Not surprisingly many other cultures views this time frame as such. Most notably, the ancient Maya. Furthermore, one doesn't need to hold any sort of doomsday theory. Water is life. Water is quench of fire or renewal pure. Anyhow, to make a long story short the winds of change are coming, for the better. Hold on, 2012 is going to be a BIG year!

   We are going to start the ground running this week. We are going to jump right back in to the conceptual.  With the new year comes change. For the most part, many of us partake in new resolutions. This week all studio classes will be making a drawing. This drawing will be about you. In this new year what change for the good would you like to see. Think. Nothing drole. Nothing silly. Serious.

RHS Art students can ----->
1: Art I- Change I would like to see
3: AP Art History- Baroque Art
4: 2D/3D- Change I would like to see
5: Ad. Art- Change I would like to see
6: AP Art Studio- Change I would like to see
7: New Media- Short films: Change I would like to see

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle