Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of Oct 1-5

     The month of October is upon us. Finally. I love this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I love autumn. The smells, colors, & weather change always puts me into a good mood. Plus, we will begin to work on our Haunted House from the Downtown Russell Business Association starting on the 8th. Halloween is my favorite 'holiday'. I've always enjoyed the macabre & scary. So, be prepared for a chipper than usual Grizzle.
     Our universal theme of emotions have just about played their course. Some of our classes this year are having some trouble with the themes. That's okay. Certain topics aren't for everyone. Nonetheless, some of our classes will continue to deal with emotions. Others will be moving on to some more basic lessons.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? This topic is to be taken seriously. Take time to dig deep. drawing or paintings only.
2- New Media: Horror Photography. Each student is to take 10 photographs that best represent horror to them. Each image needs to be edited some way or another. Due to the size of the class, these photos will be due Thursday so to start critique to get to every ones work. Work should be jpeg & submitted to Mr. Grizzle, digitally, no later than 1st period the day of critique.
4- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? Serious topic. Dig deep. Drawing or painting only.
5- Advanced Art: Sadness. What makes me sad? Drawing or painting only
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration/Breath work
7- Art I: Halloween. What does Halloween mean to me? What does it make me think of? Beginning work in soft pastel, color, & value (contrast).

As always,
Our week beats your year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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