Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of Sept. 24th

     We will continue to deal with emotions this coming week. I had others plans in mind. However, I feel we can flush these topics out a bit more. We had some fantastic critiques this past friday. Great work. Great conversation. Overall, we are starting to shape into some really great groups of classes.
     The two emotional topics this week are frustration and sadness. All visual art students will be dealing with what frustrates this in a 2D manner. New Media will be making a film dealing with sadness.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
2- New Media: Sadness- students are to create a short film dealing with sadness. 
4- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
5- Ad. Art: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration Work
7- Art I: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.

As always, 
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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