Monday, January 2, 2012

Week of Jan 3rd through 6th

     Whelp! New Year. With it comes, well, a new year. Couple of years ago I used to study Ancient Chinese new year customs and the animals associated with the 12 year moon cycle. I had books upon books. I read all that I could get my hands on or could read. However, 2012 has an auspicious look. We are in the year of the Water Dragon. Water in most representations is a symbol for change. Not surprisingly many other cultures views this time frame as such. Most notably, the ancient Maya. Furthermore, one doesn't need to hold any sort of doomsday theory. Water is life. Water is quench of fire or renewal pure. Anyhow, to make a long story short the winds of change are coming, for the better. Hold on, 2012 is going to be a BIG year!

   We are going to start the ground running this week. We are going to jump right back in to the conceptual.  With the new year comes change. For the most part, many of us partake in new resolutions. This week all studio classes will be making a drawing. This drawing will be about you. In this new year what change for the good would you like to see. Think. Nothing drole. Nothing silly. Serious.

RHS Art students can ----->
1: Art I- Change I would like to see
3: AP Art History- Baroque Art
4: 2D/3D- Change I would like to see
5: Ad. Art- Change I would like to see
6: AP Art Studio- Change I would like to see
7: New Media- Short films: Change I would like to see

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

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