Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week of Dec. 12th through 16th

Well, we have had quite a first half of the year. This week should be just as busy as all the others. However, the term busy can be substituted for 'fun' as well. This coming friday is our BETA Variety Show. Which is always fun. I will be performing as well. Stay tuned.
This week in art will be a laid back one. Nonetheless, we all need to stay busy. AP Art History, as usual, will stay on pace for this half of the semester. AP Art Studio has their half way deadline on the 15th. The rest of our studio classes will be working on a project of their choice for their 'final' this week.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1 Art I- Final (work of your choice)
BREAKFAST- practice for BETA Variety Show
3 AP Art History- continue study into the Renaissance
4 2D/3D - Final (work of your choice)
5 Advanced Art- Final (work of your choice)
6 AP Art Studio- Midway review
7 New Media- Commercial & Claymation

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

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