Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weeks of Jan 25th through 30th

     Hello ALL! So I've missed a few days this week. My daughter tested positive for the flu so we had to stay home. I can honestly say I love my job and can't wait to get back at it. It's unfortunate that a lot cannot be done in the art room when I am gone. I do not take any sort of pride in this, but an art room and it's teacher seem to be an organic 'thing'. One without the other is sort of, well, sad. Nonetheless, I will be back on the 26th. Hopefully, I will return to some awesome paper mache projects.
     The week of the 30th we will begin sort of transition period for Ms. Claxon. She will slowly be given more responsibilities and teaching duties. Oddly enough she has been doing just that this week due to me being out. We will be continuing with sculpture this coming week. The following weeks we will be doing some clay sculpture with Ms. Claxon. She is quite talented in this area and I am excited to see what you guys can do with what she teaches you.
     The coming week we will be doing a different type of sculpture: Paper. Now, granted we have already done something very similar in paper mache......well? sort of. This weeks lesson is a bit complicated and I am sure it will frustrate some of you. However, work and attention to content and concept we will all be successful.

Title- Creative Paper Sculpture
Objectives- students will create a three dimensional sculpture using only a single sheet of drawing paper and 'adhesives' of their choice.
Elemental and Principle Focus- Form, Shape & Contrast
Activity- Using scissors, knifes.....whatever, what 3D object can you create out of a single piece of drawing paper? You may only use the paper itself to create your sculpture. You don't have to us all of it, but you cannot add more paper to it. Color is an option. Be creative.

RHS students can ----->
1- Art I: Creative Paper Sculpture
3- AP Art History: Romanticism into Realism
4- 2D/3D: Creative Paper Sculpture
5- Advanced Art: Creative Paper Sculpture
6- AP Art Studio: Continue with work for submittal. The digital upload window has opened.
7- New Media: continued work in the 'mock reality show short film'.... always
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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