Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week of March 12-16th

     This time of year is always a bit crazy. Spring is right around the corner and with it comes testing and finishing for the year. We have the spring art show on the horizon and various activities to take part in. Nonetheless, we will try to be as 'normal' as we can back in ye ol' art room.
     Animals have been a huge part of my life. I have had dogs all the way to flying squirrels. For most people animals, regardless make a huge impact on our world. This week, in most classes, we will be focusing on animals and their influence on us.

RHS art students can ----->
1- Art I- Animal Action Portraits- students are to draw an animal doing what they are know for. A cheetah running. A bird flying, etc. This will be due on friday.
3- AP Art History- We will looking at Identity Art and getting details on the final project
4- 2D/3D- Visual play on words sculpture- students will create a sculpture that is a visual play on foods. For example....a butterfly would be a piece of butter with wings, etc.
5- Adv. Art- Animals in Action- students can draw or paint an image of an animal doing what it does best.
6- AP Art Studio- Studio work
7- New Media- Beginning details of the final documentary film project. Plus in class assignment.

As always,
Our weeks beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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