Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week of March 5 - 9th

     This week represents Mrs. Claxon's last week with us. She has been a great help in the art room and she will honestly be missed. Nonetheless, she will be right next door at RMS with Dr. Decker for the next eight weeks. Most of our studio classes will be finishing a lesson with her based on Banksy's work.
     All AP students need to register for their respected exams the next couple of weeks. Please keep times and money in mind.
    Our art show has been schedule for April 26th. This is a thursday. Please, mark your calendars for this date.

RHS art students can ---->
1: Art I- finishing Banksy Project
3: AP Art History- Modern Art
4: 2D/3D- finishing Banksy Project
5: Advanced Art- finishing Banksy Project
6: AP Art Studio: studio work
7: New Media- Forced perspective photography.

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