Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of Nov. 7-9

     This is out short week. One of a few we will have this coming school year. Nonetheless, this one is a special one. We are electing a president. I will be glad when this is all over. It may just be me, but the older I get the meaner and meaner these things become. Plus, the further and further from the truth some sides are willing to go in order to gain simulate and actual power. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....

     We will continue with color theory this coming week. All studio course, with the exception of New Media, will be finishing the tri-color still life lesson that was begun this past week. New Media will begin a short film on 'What they are thankful for'.

RHS art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
2- New Media: Group video projects. Serious in nature--"What am I thankful for?"
4- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
5- Advanced Art: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
6- AP Art Studio: concentration work
7- Art I: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.

As always.....
Our Week Beats Your Year.

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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