Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week of Aug 27-31

Hello Comrades:

     Last week was our first full work week. It went pretty good. Always be prepared to talk and explain your work. If you didn't get to have a critique of your work last friday you will some other crit-day. Classroom fees are still SLOWLY floating in. Bring these in ASAP. This money comes in and almost immediately goes out to buy art supplies. Remember that it is okay to bring your own materials. However, make sure everything is properly labeled with YOUR NAME. If something is left out most will assume that it is supplies for the room and use them for a project. If your name is on something, that is yours, and someone takes it then we can talk about stealing. Not until then. Plus, when you bring something in make sure it has a place to 'stay'. This means do not randomly leave it on a table or area.
     Our digital cameras are here. Mr. Thompson and the school were gracious enough to buy us 12 digital cameras. Each is labeled with a number for check out during assignments. When using these cameras you will be responsible for purchasing an SD card for media. Students in New Media class will each get one as part of their class fee. Other classes may use one, as projects allow, with use of an SD card.
     Friendly reminders: cell phones will not be used in the art room this year. We have equipment this year to take care of certain assignments. If retrieving a cell phone for picture purposes I must be informed prior to. Plus, if you eat breakfast or lunch in the art room make sure you are cleaning up after yourself. We had some issues with forgotten trays and whatnot last year. This will not happen this year.

RHS Art students can-----> deal with line & shape with drawing.

1: 2D/3D- Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet. Project is due Aug. 31
2: New Media- Live Action Stop-motion: students are to split into 4 groups. Each group is to create a stop-motion comedy using the digital cameras. Project is due Aug. 31
4: 2D/3D-Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet. Project is due Aug. 31
5: Advances Art: Hands & feet: students will continue with the application of line in drawing by drawing two separate images of their hands & feet.
6: AP Art Studio: Hands & feet: students will great a painting of someone else's feet. Classroom models to be provided. Project is due Aug. 31 along with the abstract idea of each students concentration.
7: Art I: Feet & shoes: Students will draw another still life, at each group table, consisting of the shoes of the students around them. They are to have two finished drawings, with value, but Aug. 31.

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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