Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of Oct 1-5

     The month of October is upon us. Finally. I love this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I love autumn. The smells, colors, & weather change always puts me into a good mood. Plus, we will begin to work on our Haunted House from the Downtown Russell Business Association starting on the 8th. Halloween is my favorite 'holiday'. I've always enjoyed the macabre & scary. So, be prepared for a chipper than usual Grizzle.
     Our universal theme of emotions have just about played their course. Some of our classes this year are having some trouble with the themes. That's okay. Certain topics aren't for everyone. Nonetheless, some of our classes will continue to deal with emotions. Others will be moving on to some more basic lessons.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? This topic is to be taken seriously. Take time to dig deep. drawing or paintings only.
2- New Media: Horror Photography. Each student is to take 10 photographs that best represent horror to them. Each image needs to be edited some way or another. Due to the size of the class, these photos will be due Thursday so to start critique to get to every ones work. Work should be jpeg & submitted to Mr. Grizzle, digitally, no later than 1st period the day of critique.
4- 2D/3D: Sadness. What makes me sad? Serious topic. Dig deep. Drawing or painting only.
5- Advanced Art: Sadness. What makes me sad? Drawing or painting only
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration/Breath work
7- Art I: Halloween. What does Halloween mean to me? What does it make me think of? Beginning work in soft pastel, color, & value (contrast).

As always,
Our week beats your year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of Sept. 24th

     We will continue to deal with emotions this coming week. I had others plans in mind. However, I feel we can flush these topics out a bit more. We had some fantastic critiques this past friday. Great work. Great conversation. Overall, we are starting to shape into some really great groups of classes.
     The two emotional topics this week are frustration and sadness. All visual art students will be dealing with what frustrates this in a 2D manner. New Media will be making a film dealing with sadness.

RHS Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
2- New Media: Sadness- students are to create a short film dealing with sadness. 
4- 2D/3D: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
5- Ad. Art: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration Work
7- Art I: Frustration- create a two dimensional image of frustration to you. Drawing and/or painting.

As always, 
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of Sept. 17

.....and we keep on moving. Thanks to all of you that volunteered your time at Poage Landing Days. It was greatly appreciated. We are steadily moving into fall. Hopefuly, soon, we will begin work on the haunted house in downtown Russell. We'll see how it goes.
     This weeks topic of creatively is fear. Each studio class will be dealing with this topic. Oddly enough, fear seems to be easier for students to deal with. Happiness & joy are tougher.

RHS Art Students can --->
1- 2D/3D: Fear Project. A visual representation of what puts fear in you.
2- New Media: continue work on music videos
4- 2D/3D: Fear Project. A visual representation of what puts fear in you.
5- Advanced Art: Fear Project. Same as above. Photography may be used. Multimedia projects as well.
6- AP Art Studio: Fear Project. Same as above. Photography may be used. Multimedia projects as well. Concentrations will be due this friday.
7- Art I: Fear Project. Same as above.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week of Sept. 10

Hello Comrades:

     Finally back to another full week. Short weeks usually reek havoc in the art room. We are mostly deadline types. Monday's are when we start. Friday's are when we finish. Shorts weeks mess with our creative system, but not with are sleep habits. Nonetheless, we have been working on drawing these past several weeks. Drawing is such a fundamental part of the art process. However, it doesn't have to be the yard stick by which we are all measured. To many times people come to me and say that they love art but can't even draw a stick person. My response is usually, yes you can. We all can draw. However, we all draw on very different levels. I, myself, never considered myself a drawer. I liked to paint & print-make. However, it truly wasn't until I realized that I use drawing for everything else that I saw that I was more than just a painter. I was a drawer too. Now, that goes without saying, I am certainly not a great drawer. I have had students, over the years, that are much better than I. Does that lessen me as an artist? Does that make me feel bad? Absolutely not, in both cases. I mentioned before my talent was more painting & print-making, but our real talent lies in our mind: Our Creative Minds.
     Over the next several weeks we will be working with the 'Creative Mind'. Our weekly assignments will be based on the over reaching field of our emotions. Each week will be dedicated to a particular emotion. With the exception of New Media, each studio class will be working on assignments to this cause.

RHS art students can ---->
1- 2D/3D: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
2- New Media: Continue working on 'Horror' stop-motion. Begin work on creative music video. Details in lesson plans
4- 2D/3D: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
5- Advanced Art: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.
6- AP Art Studio: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored. The option of photography can be used as well. Digital camera's maybe checked out after sign out.
7- Art I: 'Happy'- students are to create an image that best represents what makes them the happiest or the most happy. This is to be created on white or gray paper. Can be colored.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle 

Monday, September 3, 2012

short week of Sept 3-7


First off, thank an old union member for your day off.  If it was left to the ruling class we would still be working everyday, 12 hours shifts, and pawning your 3 year old little brother to do yard work. However, I digress.......
    I apologize for my illness friday. I had some sort of virus. Really high temperature and chills. Nonetheless, because of this we will be having critique tuesday. Then wednesday we will follow with our regular schedule.
     We will be continuing our work with drawing this week. Each traditional studio class will have a model chosen for the task. I decided to do away with the traditional sketching exercises. So, we will go directly into the model work.
     New Media will continuing to work with stop-motion. We will view the finished products of last weeks work this wednesday then begin working on the new assignment.

RHS art students can ----->

1: 2D/3D- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
2: New Media- Finishing first project. Next assignment will be stop-motion horror. Value & mood will be stressed.
4: 2D/3D- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
5: Advanced Art- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.
6: AP Art Studio- drawing from life. students will draw then paint an image of a model given to them. This final image will be abstracted in nature. Students must paint an image of the model then paint her in analogous colors only. Background to be the complement.  Line, shape, color, value & contrast will be stressed.
7: Art I- drawing from life. students will draw then finish an image of a model given to them. Line, shape & value will be stressed.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle