Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week of May 13-17

So, the year is on the last leg. We are in the mist of testing. The art show is over. Seniors are receiving caps & gowns. This has been a very difficult year for a lot of us. There really isn't anyway to get around that. Nonetheless, it has also been a great year for results back in the art room. We placed at every show we entered. We also had a RHS art student show at state. Lot and lots of good things. However, I am ready to put this year into the box of memories and let it go.

RHS art students can ---->

1- 2D/3D: 'Organic' sculptures. Students are to find organic objects, i.e. flowers, branches, leaves, etc. and create a 'recognizable' sculpture with it. These are due friday. With the exception of seniors all sculptures are due when told.
2- New Media: "Legends from the Woods". Students are to create a short film telling the story of a made of creature from the woods of our area.
4- 2D/3D: 'Organic' sculptures. Students are to find organic objects, i.e. flowers, branches, leaves, etc. and create a 'recognizable' sculpture with it. These are due friday. With the exception of seniors all sculptures are due when told.
5- Advanced Art: Figure modeling part 2. Students are to draw then add value to a standing model. Models will be provided for you.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio clean up. Students are to clean up and remove art work and materials that belong to them.
7- Art I: Figure modeling part 2. Students are to draw then add value to a standing model. Models will be provided for you.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week of May 6-10

So, this whole year comes down to the next several weeks. This has been a bitter sweet year. I, like a lot of you, am looking forward to it ending and starting again. Nonetheless, the art show is this thursday. We will put on the best show we can. In fact it will be the best high school art show around.
Here are the lists of things we need for the show------>
- Food: anything you can muster will be fine. If you can cook it & people will eat it...bring it. Plus, feel free to purchase cookie and fruit/veggie trays.
- Drinks: any sort of 2liter will do. Please bring these the night of the event.
There will be a sign up sheet for both of these.

I will be matting work this week. Our assignments will be general in nature to deal with this. Feel free to bring in your work to be 'finished up' for the show.

RHS students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Art Show work: We will be using this week to allow you to touch up and finish anywork you would like to put in the show.
2- New Media: My Prom experience- students are to finish this project and be ready for viewing this wednesday.
4- 2D/3D: Art Show work: We will be using this week to allow you to touch up and finish anywork you would like to put in the show.
5- Advanced Art: Art Show work: We will be using this week to allow you to touch up and finish anywork you would like to put in the show.
6- AP Art Studio: Here is what you all have been waiting for. The show is here. Art Show work: We will be using this week to allow you to touch up and finish anywork you would like to put in the show.
7- Art I: Art Show work: We will be using this week to allow you to touch up and finish anywork you would like to put in the show.

As always;
Our Week Beats Your Year,

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week of April 29th- May 3

So prom is here. Thank god. That we can finally quit talking about who is going with who and what group everyone is or is not going with. Prom is fun, but honestly people...... ^^ look at the image above. Needless to say, this week is a prep week for the art show. I have asked those that are going to present to please bring back work to me to be 'thought of' or matted. Our real showtime is May 9. Be prepared. Plus, our AP studio students will need to have everything uploaded by this week at well.

RHS art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Image of your choice day- students are to complete an image of their choice. This will be due thursday during in class critique.
2- New Media: 'You Prom Experience'- students are asked to film a documentary pertaining to the 'prep, the getting ready, diner, & dance part' of this years Prom. As always it must be school appropriate.
4- 2D/3D: Image of your choice day- students are to complete an image of their choice. This will be due thursday during in class critique.
5- Advanced Art: Image of your choice day- students are to complete an image of their choice. This will be due thursday during in class critique.
6- AP Art Studio: Image uploading & ceiling title work.
7- Art I: Image of your choice day- students are to complete an image of their choice. This will be due thursday during in class critique.

Plus, remember we have this half day garbage on this friday. We'll hold the fort down.

As ALways,
Our Week Beats Your Year,

.....and I've never meant it more
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week of April 22-26

 Lots of things coming around. Seniors, take time to appreciate your final weeks as a HS student. For what ever that is worth now.

RHS Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: You as an animal- students are to draw/photograph/sculpt/paint themselves as if they were an animal. Various ideas related to this project are welcome. Please see Mr. Grizzle.
2- New Media: News Report- students are to film themselves/others doing an 'on the spot' news report on a simple everyday topic. Overt dramatic response recommended.
4- 2D/3D: You as an animal- students are to draw/photograph/sculpt/paint themselves as if they were an animal. Various ideas related to this project are welcome. Please see Mr. Grizzle.
5- Advanced Art: You as an animal- students are to draw/photograph/sculpt/paint themselves as if they were an animal. Various ideas related to this project are welcome. Please see Mr. Grizzle.
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolios are due. Please schedule a time during class to report and show to Mr. Grizzle.
7- Art I: You as an animal- students are to draw/photograph/sculpt/paint themselves as if they were an animal. Various ideas related to this project are welcome. Please see Mr. Grizzle.

As always....and it really scares them :)
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week of April 15-19

Movin' right alone towards the end of our school year. Some important dates to remember:
April 18th - AP Portfolios are due to Mr. Grizzle
May 9th- Spring Art Show

  I have always loved superheros. I have no shame in saying as an artist I was grandly influenced by the artwork in them. To this day, I will imagine using super powers to do various things in my life. Granted, only in my head, but regardless it's a lot of fun. I can honestly say that almost all of us, sometime or another, have wished we had powers like that of a superhero or villian. This week is dedicated to the place where those dreams lie. The place where we are all superheros.

RHS Art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
2- New Media: Superhero Project- students are to film a short genre film of their choice dealing with a superhero or superheros in anyway they would like. 
4- 2D/3D: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
5- Advanced Art: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
6- AP Art Studio: Studio work
7- Art I: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 

As always....and for always:
Our Week Beats Your Year,

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week of April 8-12 : Welcome Back!

     I hope everyone had a restful Spring Break. I know that I did. Thank the Lord it's starting to feel more like spring than is has. I had multiple chances to ride my bike & relax outside. Hopefully, this will push out some of the winter blues. However, let's try to keep our warm weather fever to a minimum while we prepare for the final push of the year.
     Our art show this year will be in connection to a film festival. Any student wanting to take part in this film festival needs to contact me.
     ------> RHS ART students can

1- 2D/3D: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
2- New Media: 'The best part of Spring Break was....': Students are to create a video with a 'flash back sequence', the tells a good moral.
4- 2D/3D: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
5- Advanced Art: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
6- AP Art Studio: Continued work on portfolio and art show.
7- Art I: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.

     Always be prepared for change. It's coming whether you want it or not. We will not be stopped. Testify.

As Always:
Our Week Beats Your Year
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week of March 25-29

     Visual art and music have gone hand in hand for a long time. In our digital age, the album cover has been deemed a bit less important for sales and more for theme of the group or album. I remember as a child going to the old Kmart with my parents and browsing the record section. The album covers excited, frightened, & interested me all at once. What most people don't understand is that to produce some of these covers it took a lot of time in an artist's life. Regardless if photographed or not, these album covers ARE art. This week in the art room we are paying tribute to just that.

1- 2D/3D: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
2- New Media: "Reworked Childhood Photography". Students are to take an actual childhood photograph and recreate it. Images must to shown side by side. iOS & Android apps will be allowed to be used for this collage idea. Images must be emailed to me by 11:59 March 28.

3- Planning
4- 2D/3D: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
5- Advanced Art: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
6- AP Art Studio: Continued portfolio work.
7- Art I: "Complementary Color Flowers". Students will create an image (either pastel or paint) of multiple flowers in complement. There must be at least three representations of each flower or color in the image.

As Always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle