Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week of April 15-19

Movin' right alone towards the end of our school year. Some important dates to remember:
April 18th - AP Portfolios are due to Mr. Grizzle
May 9th- Spring Art Show

  I have always loved superheros. I have no shame in saying as an artist I was grandly influenced by the artwork in them. To this day, I will imagine using super powers to do various things in my life. Granted, only in my head, but regardless it's a lot of fun. I can honestly say that almost all of us, sometime or another, have wished we had powers like that of a superhero or villian. This week is dedicated to the place where those dreams lie. The place where we are all superheros.

RHS Art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
2- New Media: Superhero Project- students are to film a short genre film of their choice dealing with a superhero or superheros in anyway they would like. 
4- 2D/3D: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
5- Advanced Art: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 
6- AP Art Studio: Studio work
7- Art I: Superhero Project- students are to draw and then color a superhero of their choice. This superhero needs to be one that they like or relate to. Full images are encouraged. Own drawings highly recommended. 

As always....and for always:
Our Week Beats Your Year,

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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