Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week of April 8-12 : Welcome Back!

     I hope everyone had a restful Spring Break. I know that I did. Thank the Lord it's starting to feel more like spring than is has. I had multiple chances to ride my bike & relax outside. Hopefully, this will push out some of the winter blues. However, let's try to keep our warm weather fever to a minimum while we prepare for the final push of the year.
     Our art show this year will be in connection to a film festival. Any student wanting to take part in this film festival needs to contact me.
     ------> RHS ART students can

1- 2D/3D: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
2- New Media: 'The best part of Spring Break was....': Students are to create a video with a 'flash back sequence', the tells a good moral.
4- 2D/3D: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
5- Advanced Art: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.
6- AP Art Studio: Continued work on portfolio and art show.
7- Art I: Flowers of Danger- students are to find various predatory flowers and then draw a picture of them. The idea is to build a juxtaposition between the dangerous and the innocent. Other flowers must be represented. Please mind your shape & value.

     Always be prepared for change. It's coming whether you want it or not. We will not be stopped. Testify.

As Always:
Our Week Beats Your Year
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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