Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week of May 13-17

So, the year is on the last leg. We are in the mist of testing. The art show is over. Seniors are receiving caps & gowns. This has been a very difficult year for a lot of us. There really isn't anyway to get around that. Nonetheless, it has also been a great year for results back in the art room. We placed at every show we entered. We also had a RHS art student show at state. Lot and lots of good things. However, I am ready to put this year into the box of memories and let it go.

RHS art students can ---->

1- 2D/3D: 'Organic' sculptures. Students are to find organic objects, i.e. flowers, branches, leaves, etc. and create a 'recognizable' sculpture with it. These are due friday. With the exception of seniors all sculptures are due when told.
2- New Media: "Legends from the Woods". Students are to create a short film telling the story of a made of creature from the woods of our area.
4- 2D/3D: 'Organic' sculptures. Students are to find organic objects, i.e. flowers, branches, leaves, etc. and create a 'recognizable' sculpture with it. These are due friday. With the exception of seniors all sculptures are due when told.
5- Advanced Art: Figure modeling part 2. Students are to draw then add value to a standing model. Models will be provided for you.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio clean up. Students are to clean up and remove art work and materials that belong to them.
7- Art I: Figure modeling part 2. Students are to draw then add value to a standing model. Models will be provided for you.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

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