Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week of October 3rd through 6th

Well, another great trip to the St. James Art Show in Louisville, KY. With all the extras going on this year, including homecoming, it really added a bit of stress to Mrs. Russell and I but in the end....ALL WENT GREAT! The students very thankful and appreciative of the trip. Which means a lot to Mrs. Russell and I. One great observation I overhead from a lot of the student this year was the lack of proletariat art. I agree. Though we are in 'old' Louisville, the need to see and interact with practicing artist that are 'more' like us is important. Nonetheless, the potters, artisans, painters, and puppermakers that make the event so enjoyable are working class people. Just like us. Viva the proletariat! :)
     Needless to say, since we are in Oct. we are kicking into 'Halloween' mode with design and construction of the haunted house in Downtown Russell. Dr. Decker and I will be posting some pictures of our ideas soon.
     This week in art, Russell High School students can & will------>

1: Art I- Students will continue to work and finished their Halloween themed work. We will be working on some odds and ends for the holiday this week.
3: AP Art History- Test on Roman and Greek Art is this tuesday. We will be studying for the test this monday in class. After ward we will be continuing with Early Christian/Islamic/Byzantium Art.
4: 2D/3D- Students will finish there Halloween project and begin work on the haunted house
5: Advanced Art- Students will finish their Halloween project and begin work on the haunted house.
6: AP Studio Art- Deadline for our first 12 pieces is still the 31st. It is fastly approaching.
7: New Media- Students will be working/finishing their two music videos. Film viewing day is this wednesday. Thursday we will be traveling to RPS to show our videos to some 1st grade classrooms.

Our week beat yours year,
Mr Grizzle

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