Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week of October 24th - 28th

     Hello all! Well, we had our first night of the haunted house. Overall, we can say that it was a success. We still need to do some tweaking in order to make it more effective. What we have found is that those that go to haunted house a lot tend to find ours entertaining and a bit scary. However, not so frequent house goers come out pretty scared. Which is good. Nonetheless, we have worked pretty hard on it and it would be awesome to have as many as possible come out to see it. Plus, Dr. Tim Decker and his middle school art classes have done an awesome job of putting on the 'smaller kids' house as well.
     This week in art we will be finishing up our look at 'Halloween' type lessons. The lesson that we are working on at the present time is a mixture of all of these lessons. What makes us uncomfortable is a powerful look into the human emotional state. Though we may be opening ourselves up a bit, this lesson isn't going to be censored....within reason. :) Furthermore, this lesson is due friday Oct. 28th at the BEGINNING of class.
     AP Art History will be having an essay exam this coming thursday. Please prepare for that.

Art students at RHS can ----->
1st Art I- Uncomfortable Project
3rd AP Art History- continuing study into Non-Western Art. Test Thursday
4th 2D/3D- Uncomfortable Project
5th Adv. Art- Uncomfortable Project
6th AP Art Studio- Continuation of 'Me' mask project.
7th New Media- An extension has been given to the "Ghost Story' project. Finished films are due wednesday Oct. 26 AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS! :)

Here are some images from our Haunted House!

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