Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week of October 31- November 4th

Well, what a week this past week has been. Our Haunted House has gone pretty well for a first time thing. Our last night is monday night, the 31st. We hope to end with a bang! We still need a few more volunteers for monday night. Please come see me if you are interested.
     This coming week all studio classes will be starting on a landscape project. I will be workshopping basic landscape ideas and allowing students to create one from 'memory'. There will be some pretty straight forward steps to this lesson. The irony of this lesson is that this time of year is the best time to create such lessons. However, who knew how much it was going to snow up east? Crazy.

RHS art students can ------>
1 Art I- Landscape Project
3 AP Art History- continue study of Non-Western Art
4 2D/3D- Landscape Project
5 Advanced Art- Landscape Project
6 AP Art Studio- Landscape paintings for breathe work
7 New Media- 'Genre Films'

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week of October 24th - 28th

     Hello all! Well, we had our first night of the haunted house. Overall, we can say that it was a success. We still need to do some tweaking in order to make it more effective. What we have found is that those that go to haunted house a lot tend to find ours entertaining and a bit scary. However, not so frequent house goers come out pretty scared. Which is good. Nonetheless, we have worked pretty hard on it and it would be awesome to have as many as possible come out to see it. Plus, Dr. Tim Decker and his middle school art classes have done an awesome job of putting on the 'smaller kids' house as well.
     This week in art we will be finishing up our look at 'Halloween' type lessons. The lesson that we are working on at the present time is a mixture of all of these lessons. What makes us uncomfortable is a powerful look into the human emotional state. Though we may be opening ourselves up a bit, this lesson isn't going to be censored....within reason. :) Furthermore, this lesson is due friday Oct. 28th at the BEGINNING of class.
     AP Art History will be having an essay exam this coming thursday. Please prepare for that.

Art students at RHS can ----->
1st Art I- Uncomfortable Project
3rd AP Art History- continuing study into Non-Western Art. Test Thursday
4th 2D/3D- Uncomfortable Project
5th Adv. Art- Uncomfortable Project
6th AP Art Studio- Continuation of 'Me' mask project.
7th New Media- An extension has been given to the "Ghost Story' project. Finished films are due wednesday Oct. 26 AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS! :)

Here are some images from our Haunted House!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week of October the 17th - 21st

     Fall is officially begun and well, kinda gone. It was cool then it became quite warm again. This has led to our leaves to turn and fall much quicker than usual. Nonetheless, plans for out haunted house has gone quite well. We had our first work day & believe that we are about 80% finished with it. We plan on going back this tuesday for more work. We will be opening the house to the public this saturday (Oct. 22nd). Halloween is my favorite holiday so.....yea!

     In AP Art History this week we will be diving into Non-Western Art. However, don't forget about our essay exam on Early Christian, Islamic, and Byzantine Art. We will be agreeing upon when to have this exam on monday.
     RHS Art Students can ----->

1st Art I: Students will continue with their 'Nightmare project'.
3rd AP Art History: We will be continuing on Indian Art
4th 2D/3D: Students will be continuing with their 'Nightmare project'.
5th Ad. Art: Students will be continuing with their 'Nightmare Project'. Detailed critique this friday. Details to come
6th AP Art Studio: Continue independent work
7th New Media: Students will being working on their 'Ghost Story' short films. These are due this friday.

     Our week beat your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week October 11th through 14th

Well! First nine weeks is over. Here's to another great nine weeks. We will be very busy this quarter with designing, decorating, maintaining & performing our own haunted house with the middle school art department. Looking forward to the fun.

RHS Art students can ----->

1st Art I: finish portrait project. Begin the 'Nightmare Project'. The main objective of this lesson is the continual use of value in our work. Students are to create a visual representation of one of their own nightmares, whether actual or 'day-mare'. See Henry Fuseli
3rd AP Art History: Continue studying Byzantine Art
4th 2D/3D: finish portrait project. Begin the 'Nightmare Project'. The main objective of this lesson is the continual use of value in our work. Students are to create a visual representation of one of their own nightmares, whether actual or 'day-mare'. See Henry Fuseli
5th Adv. Art: finish portrait project. Begin the 'Nightmare Project'. The main objective of this lesson is the continual use of value in our work. Students are to create a visual representation of one of their own nightmares, whether actual or 'day-mare'. See Henry Fuseli . However, students will be asked to create theirs in a multimedia manner, if need to.
6th AP Art Studio: Continue working on portfolio
7th New Media: Begin 'Ghost Story' project, short film.

our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week of October 3rd through 6th

Well, another great trip to the St. James Art Show in Louisville, KY. With all the extras going on this year, including homecoming, it really added a bit of stress to Mrs. Russell and I but in the end....ALL WENT GREAT! The students very thankful and appreciative of the trip. Which means a lot to Mrs. Russell and I. One great observation I overhead from a lot of the student this year was the lack of proletariat art. I agree. Though we are in 'old' Louisville, the need to see and interact with practicing artist that are 'more' like us is important. Nonetheless, the potters, artisans, painters, and puppermakers that make the event so enjoyable are working class people. Just like us. Viva the proletariat! :)
     Needless to say, since we are in Oct. we are kicking into 'Halloween' mode with design and construction of the haunted house in Downtown Russell. Dr. Decker and I will be posting some pictures of our ideas soon.
     This week in art, Russell High School students can & will------>

1: Art I- Students will continue to work and finished their Halloween themed work. We will be working on some odds and ends for the holiday this week.
3: AP Art History- Test on Roman and Greek Art is this tuesday. We will be studying for the test this monday in class. After ward we will be continuing with Early Christian/Islamic/Byzantium Art.
4: 2D/3D- Students will finish there Halloween project and begin work on the haunted house
5: Advanced Art- Students will finish their Halloween project and begin work on the haunted house.
6: AP Studio Art- Deadline for our first 12 pieces is still the 31st. It is fastly approaching.
7: New Media- Students will be working/finishing their two music videos. Film viewing day is this wednesday. Thursday we will be traveling to RPS to show our videos to some 1st grade classrooms.

Our week beat yours year,
Mr Grizzle