All Russell High School Art Students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
2- New Media: "The Grand Love Affair"- this is this weeks prompt. Video must be kept 'G' in rating. Genre is up to the team producing it.
4- 2D/3D: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
5- Advances Art: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
6- AP Art Studio: Continue work for finalization of portfolio
7- Art I: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle
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