Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week of March 25-29

     Visual art and music have gone hand in hand for a long time. In our digital age, the album cover has been deemed a bit less important for sales and more for theme of the group or album. I remember as a child going to the old Kmart with my parents and browsing the record section. The album covers excited, frightened, & interested me all at once. What most people don't understand is that to produce some of these covers it took a lot of time in an artist's life. Regardless if photographed or not, these album covers ARE art. This week in the art room we are paying tribute to just that.

1- 2D/3D: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
2- New Media: "Reworked Childhood Photography". Students are to take an actual childhood photograph and recreate it. Images must to shown side by side. iOS & Android apps will be allowed to be used for this collage idea. Images must be emailed to me by 11:59 March 28.

3- Planning
4- 2D/3D: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
5- Advanced Art: "Album Cover as Art". Students are to create an imaginary cover for a real musical act. The cover must have the following: 1- Acts names or logo, 2- Album title, 3- original artwork IN COLOR. Most album covers are square in nature. Please keep this in mind. Project is due March 29th.
6- AP Art Studio: Continued portfolio work.
7- Art I: "Complementary Color Flowers". Students will create an image (either pastel or paint) of multiple flowers in complement. There must be at least three representations of each flower or color in the image.

As Always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week of March 18-22

Last week was a good week for the 'kids' back in the art room. We showed very well at the Regional art competition in Morehead. We placed second at EMPixx Awards at Ohio Southern thanks to Madison Cole and Olivia Adkins. Plus, our very own Kathryn Wilhoit was given the Miss Ashland title. I dare anyone to find another classroom in our school that purposefully houses as much talent as we have. Ready? Goooooooo!

This past critiques have been a bit 'off'. Our work has been a bit better but, our 'minds' have been a bit off as well. So, this coming week we will have a 'Your Choice' week. You may select any art form & any subject to show this coming week's critique. The only catch: NO OLD WORK. All work must be as of this past saturday.

ALL RHS students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: "Your Choice"Week. You may select any art form & any subject to show this coming week's critique. The only catch: NO OLD WORK. All work must be as of this past saturday.
2- New Media: "....if I had not had shot him." This weeks prompt. Genre of the groups choice.
4- 2D/3D: "Your Choice"Week. You may select any art form & any subject to show this coming week's critique. The only catch: NO OLD WORK. All work must be as of this past saturday.
5- Advanced Art: "Your Choice"Week. You may select any art form & any subject to show this coming week's critique. The only catch: NO OLD WORK. All work must be as of this past saturday.
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolio work. AP fees are due this week
7- Art I: "Your Choice"Week. You may select any art form & any subject to show this coming week's critique. The only catch: NO OLD WORK. All work must be as of this past saturday.

As always:
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week of March 11-15

The Morehead regional show is upon us. We recieved a lot of great feed back this year. My students are so talented. I love giving them an environment to spread their creative wings. A few assignments were given this past week. Due to some of our absences this week all critiques will be friday, regardless.

All Russell High School Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
2- New Media: "The Grand Love Affair"- this is this weeks prompt. Video must be kept 'G' in rating. Genre is up to the team producing it.
4- 2D/3D: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
5- Advances Art: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.
6- AP Art Studio: Continue work for finalization of portfolio
7- Art I: What gives me strength? Create a two dimensional image of what gives you strength. This can be personal or universal.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week of March 4-8

This is Tiffany's last week with us. She has been such a huge help to us in the art room. Many teachers use their student teachers as 'break time' or an additional aid in their classroom. I've been lucky enough to have two really great student teachers so far. They, we never my 'aids' or my 'break time'. They were part of our family. Always will. Though similar in various ways Tiffany & Kate helped bring different perspective and energy into the room. I am willing to bet any teacher in our building that they couldn't hang, in various ways, in our room for a week without converting it to their own. Tiffany & Kate came in and not only adapted but perfectly placed their own stamp in our little home. One of the biggest things Tiffany has shown is the ability to be an artist, survive, & never compromise your faith or personal statement. Besides that, she is a fabulous one-on-one teacher and has become a good friend. I will miss her, greatly. However, Ms. Tiffany are now one of my artist family. In that, you'll never truly get rid of me. Namaste young teacher. Namaste.

The craziness that surrounds us during the spring has...well...sprung. This week will be a hit & miss sort of week in relation to projects. Most assignments were given last week and are due this coming wednesday and thursday. Other than that, we all need to be glazing our work as it comes out of the kiln. Tiffany's final critique with AP will be this week as well.

RHS art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: What brings you luck? drawing/painting lesson. In a 2D way show us what brings you 'luck'. Giving last week. Due this wednesday.
2- New Media: 'The Chase'. Students need to develop a 5 to 10 minute video dealing with this topic. All members of the group must be represented and have speaking parts. Due, fully edited and published by friday.
4- 2D/3D: What brings you luck? drawing/painting lesson. In a 2D way show us what brings you 'luck'. Giving last week. Due this wednesday.
5- Advanced Art: What brings you luck? drawing/painting lesson. In a 2D way show us what brings you 'luck'. Giving last week. Due this wednesday.
6- AP Art Studio: Historical Pottery finish. Continued portfolio work.
7- Art I: What brings you luck? drawing/painting lesson. In a 2D way show us what brings you 'luck'. Giving last week. Due this wednesday.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle