Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week of Feb 25- March 1

We've officially entered another large show. Morehead State University Burley-Coal Art Show art work was dropped off this past saturday. After quickly and slyly viewing the other work there I feel pretty good about our chances of showing well. We had some good work represented.
     As some of you might have already seen via Instagram, we had quite a large kiln explosion this past friday. I have yet to dig through the bottom levels yet, but I am very confident in saying that the top self and a half, only 20% survived. Some of us will have bit of work to do come monday. However, its part of the game. Move past it.
     This coming week is going to be another messy and busy week in the art room. Most if not all classes are working on ceramics and paper mache. Please remember to clean up as best you can before you leave the art room.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Ceramics Final Week- this week you should be finalizing your project. We will then fire. Then glaze will be applied. We are shooting for friday as the absolute cut off date.
2- New Media: 'Pick You Poison' Assignment is due wednesday. Plus, we will have an additional photography assignments this week as well: 'Our group as Our body- students are to take pictures of different body part of each member of their group. Then each photo will be cropped to show just a single part. Then these parts will be piece to in collaging software. Finally displayed.
4- 2D/3D: Ceramics Final Week- this week you should be finalizing your project. We will then fire. Then glaze will be applied. We are shooting for friday as the absolute cut off date.
5- Advanced Art: Ceramics Final Week- this week you should be finalizing your project. We will then fire. Then glaze will be applied. We are shooting for friday as the absolute cut off date.
6- AP Art Studio: We will continue to finish Tiffany's ceramic assignment. The critique will be wednesday.
7- Art I: Animal Paper mache is due Wednesday. We will then follow up with a paper mask assignment.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week of Feb 18-22...Do the Harlem Shake...

Hello All!

     By the above video, you see that not only do we learn how to create, act, shoot, edit, & view in New Media we also have FUN. That's right: FUN. That horrible three letter word that so many educators are afraid of. Every student in this video chose to be in it. There were NO objections. In fact, in the past there have been plenty of objections to being put in videos. My art students understand and appreciate the word 'no', in the realm of feeling comfortable and when something crosses their own moral line. And, YES high school students do have moral lines. What we expect from them is exactly what we get from them. It's not all about brain development and being able to make 'choices'. These kids study and perform better, academically, than most kids in our state. Then we question their motives and abilities to choose. Granted, they don't always choose wisely. Furthermore, I don't believe we, as adults, do either. Testify.

     Let me step off my soap box a second and also tell you that this 30 second video now has more FULL views than any video in RHS history. Not only that.....there is a better one on the way, thanks to the RHS pep section of last friday's game. #RDN. Stay tuned.

This week in the art room will be quite a busy one.....again. Clifton Ross, Olivia Adkins, Kathryn Wilhoit, Anna Reneau, & Emileigh Duvall all made the Ohio University Southern HS Juried Art Show this year. The opening reception will be this thursday at 6pm at the OSU Gallery. Thursday is also the deadline for the Morehead State University KyAEA Regional Art Show. I will be dropping work off at MSU this coming saturday, the 20th. Plus, on a personal note, I have been excepted into the Art Institute of Cincinnati 'Art Teacher' exhibit. I will be mail my work there this week as well.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Clay Vessels: Students will create a hand build vessel of their choice. This is a two week project that consists of various steps and deadlines. Students will be learning how to do: pinch and coil ceramics. Then they will learn to finish, take care, fire, & then glaze their work.
2- New Media: The 'Harlem Shake' craziness has taken over. Out of class Harlem Shake assignment was given last week. It along with or in place of the 'Hate' assignment should be done by this wednesday. An additional 'Public Dancing' assignment will be given this week as well.
4- 2D/3D: Clay Vessels: Students will create a hand build vessel of their choice. This is a two week project that consists of various steps and deadlines. Students will be learning how to do: pinch and coil ceramics. Then they will learn to finish, take care, fire, & then glaze their work.
5- Advanced Art: Clay Vessels: Students will create a hand build vessel of their choice. This is a two week project that consists of various steps and deadlines. Students will be learning how to do: pinch and coil ceramics. Then they will learn to finish, take care, fire, & then glaze their work.
6- AP Art Studio: Students will continue their ceramics lesson with Miss. Botts.
7- Art I: Paper Mache- students will create a paper mache project of an animal. This animal must be created from armature, then paper mached, & painted.

Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week of Feb 11-15

     February is busy. Hopefully, everyone had a great and safe time at the dance this past saturday. The next big thing to look for is, I guess, spring break. Please keep up with deadlines and assignments over the next several weeks. Make sure to put your work in a good 'home'. Otherwise it may get lost or misplaced. Our custodial workers clean our floors quite well. Whatever ends up on the floor by the end of the day goes in the trash. Please, keep that in mind.
     Tiffany has taken off with her assignments this past week. The class she has selected to do her project with is 6th. Her assignment is a good one and if taken seriously can yeld very good results. Plus, Tiffany is a well of knowledge, like me and any other art teacher. Use us to bounce ideas and to make your life easier. Trust me, I would much rather be working on art or helping you with art than doing anything else school related.
     This weeks assignment for most of the other classes is a lesson that I borrowed from my AP training in Western, but then found out that Mrs. Leigh had done it as well. Good on all of us! It's a good lesson and has a chance to make a big emotional impact.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: 'Lyrics as Art'. Students are to find lyrics from a song and visually interrupt them. This is to be 2D in the general media of your choice. This is to be outside your sketch book.
2- New Media: 'Hate'. Students are to create a short film, less than 10 minutes in length, that deals with hate. This maybe a group or solo project. In the genre of your choice. This MUST be completely shot & edited BY YOU. No external sources can be used other than, possibly, music.
4- 2D/3D:  'Lyrics as Art'. Students are to find lyrics from a song and visually interrupt them. This is to be 2D in the general media of your choice. This is to be outside your sketch book.
5- Advanced Art:  'Lyrics as Art'. Students are to find lyrics from a song and visually interrupt them. This is to be 2D in the general media of your choice. This is to be outside your sketch book.
6- AP Art Studio: Historical Assimilation Ceramic Project- this is directed/guided by Tiffany.
7- Art I:  'Lyrics as Art'. Students are to find lyrics from a song and visually interrupt them. This is to be 2D in the general media of your choice. This is to be outside your sketch book.

As Always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week of Feb 4-8 SNOW DAYZ? Ain't no body got time for that!


 I truly don't care what people say about teachers and snow days. This one does not like them. They mess everything up in relationship to how our schedule works in the art room. These two unexpected missed days this part week, or so, has thrown us into quite a mix. Needless to say, as usual, we deal and and move on. 
     Due to these missed days we will have to make some additional concessions to our already tight schedule. Miss Botts will be giving some demos this week during AP Art Studio and leading our class in this project. We're looking forward to the project. 

RHS Art Students can ---->
1- 2D/3D: 'Play on words' paper mache project has been extended until tuesday. Critique will be wednesday and a short lesson on image on 'Love' will be given 
2- New Media: 'Cancer Project' will be viewed on monday. New assignment on 'modeling and photography' will be given on tuesday. Critique on friday.
4- 2D/3D: 'Play on words' paper mache project has been extended until tuesday. Critique will be wednesday and a short lesson on image on 'Love' will be given 
5- Advanced Art: 'Play on words' paper mache project has been extended until tuesday. Critique will be wednesday and a short lesson on an image of 'Love' will be given.
6- AP Art Studio: Creative coils and slab ceramics- lesson given by Miss. Tiffany Botts
7- Art I: Ceramic critique will be monday. New lesson on 'Love' will be given on tuesday. Critique Friday. 

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year:
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle