Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week of Nov. 26th - 30th

      Thanksgiving is over. Christmas is soon on it's way. However, we have a ton of work to be done before we leave for winter break. Most classes will be diving into painting. For the most part, all classes will be using the media, but in different ways. Your clean-up is always as great importance. However, this next month it will be huge. Your clean-up will become part of your grade this unit. Be aware.

RHS Art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Students are to do a small amount of research into the artist they choose. Then take one of their paintings and update it to our own time. The use of your creativity is paramount to this assignment. Direct copying will not be tolerated. Use the work, then expand upon it. Projected due date is Nov. 30.
2- New Media: A Christmas Story. This project will be improved on monday, then worked upon in groups as the week goes a long. Each group is required to create a Christmas story of their own. Genre of work is up to each group.
4- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Students are to do a small amount of research into the artist they choose. Then take one of their paintings and update it to our own time. The use of your creativity is paramount to this assignment. Direct copying will not be tolerated. Use the work, then expand upon it. Projected due date is Nov. 30.
5- Advanced Art: Christmas Portraits. Students are to take a famous portrait and transform it into a Christmas one. This project maybe expanded upon using photography.
6- AP Art Studio: Concentration and Breadth work. Deadline date is fast approaching.
7- Art I: Still-life Fundamentals- students will draw then paint a still-life provided by Mr. Grizzle.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Short week of Nov. 19th & 20th- THANKSGIVING BREAK

Thanksgiving is upon us. Our New Media projects turned out pretty good. So, did our studio projects. This week will be very short. Tuesday will be broken up due to the annual BETA Variety Show during  6th & 7th periods. Our projects this week will be 'Pick your own poison'. These projects are to be done on a simply piece of drawing paper or your sketchbook. You are to create or finish an image of your choice, using 'drawing' media. Critique will be held tuesday.

RHS art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
2- New Media: "ABC's"-In class photography lesson. Combined, edited and published by Nov. 20th.
4- 2D/3D: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
5- Advanced Art: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
6- AP Art Studio: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.
7- Art I: Pick your poison- student draw an image of their choice. To be finished Nov. 20th.

P.S. couldn't help myself with the Sandler Turkey Song. A bit naughty in parts, but aren't we all.

As always---
Our Week Beats your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Extended blog for the week of Nov. 12-16

     I recently received some disturbing news in relation to the art education world in our area. I won't go into details but I will say I quite disappointed in how districts can use & abuse the arts in general. I am excessively lucky to have taught/been apart of districts that appreciated what I did, let alone, the arts. Granted, some districts have showed more support than most. My current school district has been nothing but supportive and understanding in relation to my program. It hurts us all, artist-teachers, when any district can supposedly support every facet of athletics & academics but yet take opportunities away from students when they need them. Furthermore, then said districts point fingers at US for being 'uppity' programs and left-leaning when they do nothing but feed their own sociopathic views on what holistic high schools are & suppose to be. The role of public schools are to educate the masses. EDUCATE. The nerve of some districts to cut & tinker with students opportunities to be educated, whether it is what YOU feel is appropriate, is beyond mind numbing. I am so glad, we have people in governmental places that keep these neanderthals in check. The field of status quo and mediocrity is alive and well. I, for one, will not stand for it. Testify.

    This week we will be dealing with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving? Yes, thanksgiving. For the most part a lot of people see thanksgiving as a throw away holiday and several days to get out of school. I, however, look at Thanksgiving from a much different perspective.
     Thanksgiving as a child was a lesson in lies. Yes, lies. The 'original' Thanksgiving story was far from truthful. I don't hold any of my teachers to blame for this. They simply taught what they had been taught. Our indigenous friends also have a much different perspective than us:

     Let's be real frank about this. The original concept of Thanksgiving by the colonist was a celebration of exploration and the conquering of a foreign land. It is easy to see why a lot of Native Peoples dislike our version of Thanksgiving. In all honesty, we are looking at an inadvertent celebration of genocide. I for one, would like to see the holiday transformed into what John Two-Hawks envisioned it.
     It took over a hundred years before any sort of American President would acknowledge what we have done to the indigenous peoples. I for one am happy he did, however we have a long way to go to better relations and conditions for our native friends.
     Needless to say, this weeks projects will have a Thanksgiving slant. New Media was given an assignment last week in relation to creating a video based on the subject. All other classes will be dealing with this subject, with the exception of Art I.

RHS art students can----->

1: 2D/3D- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
2: New Media- finishing the previously assigned lesson
4: 2D/3D- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
5: Advanced Art- Thanksgiving project: What am I thankful for? Students will be asked to create an image, using media of their choice, dealing with what they are thankful for. This can be multimedia in nature. Photography can be used. However, use of the 'collage app' is recommended.
This needs to be serious. Humor will be tolerated within reason.
6: AP Art Studio: รง
7: Art I: Color Theory 3- Rainbow Objects. In this lesson students are to fine a simple black and white line image. Then recreate this image on standard gray paper. Then starting from left to right create rainbow on the interior of the object using acrylic paint. After this is done, details are to be placed in using black. This lesson will take a bit of time. Day of critique TBA.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of Nov. 7-9

     This is out short week. One of a few we will have this coming school year. Nonetheless, this one is a special one. We are electing a president. I will be glad when this is all over. It may just be me, but the older I get the meaner and meaner these things become. Plus, the further and further from the truth some sides are willing to go in order to gain simulate and actual power. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....

     We will continue with color theory this coming week. All studio course, with the exception of New Media, will be finishing the tri-color still life lesson that was begun this past week. New Media will begin a short film on 'What they are thankful for'.

RHS art students can ----->
1- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
2- New Media: Group video projects. Serious in nature--"What am I thankful for?"
4- 2D/3D: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
5- Advanced Art: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.
6- AP Art Studio: concentration work
7- Art I: Finishing the Tri-color still life lesson. Critique on friday.

As always.....
Our Week Beats Your Year.

Mr. Jeremy Grizzle