Monday, September 5, 2011

Short week of Sept. 6th

Labor Day was a good long weekend. Hopefully everyone rested well. However, I doubt it. For some reason some many people feel they have to see how much stuff they can cram into one weekend. That is quite unfortunate. But, the way capitalism is we feel left out if we aren't doing or buying something. Which is entirely foolish. Nonetheless, we are starting our unit of emotions this coming week. This weeks theme is 'What makes you Happy?'. We had quite a few good projects out of this last year. We will see where it goes this year. As a whole, we work a bit better this year than last. However, we seem to have a bit more retinal artists in the art room this year as opposed to last. Which, I've had to adapt to. Nonetheless, here is out basic plan for the week.

1st- Art I: What makes we Happy? Project. Students may us media of choice with teachers consent.
3rd- AP Art History: We begin our study of the Greeks. Gods and Goddess first.
4th- 2D/3D: What makes me Happy? Project. Students may us media of choice with teachers consent. The option of photography has been added. See teacher for details.
5th- Advanced Art: What makes me Happy? Project. See above.
6th- AP Art Studio: Continuation of independent work
7th- New Media: continue to work on Live Action Stop-Motion.

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