Sunday, March 20, 2011

week of March 21 through 25th

Spring is offically here. Hopefully, more consistant days of warmth are on their way. The month of April will be a busy one with the planning and construction of our art show. Also, a lot of us will be building and finishing our portfolios.

RHS art students can-
1st: Flowers-  create a flower, in at least 12 inches in length, out of any sort of 3D material. This flower needs to be free standing and decorative.
2nd: Flowers- create a flower in 'zoom'. This lesson is loosely based off the work of Ms. Georgia O'keefe.
3rd: continue with presentations. Then continue with art of the 20th century
4th: Flowers- create a flower in 2D or 3D that is representational and in unusual color
5th: continue work with portfolios. Also, students may choice from the above lessons
7th: Flowers- create a flowers in 2D to be painted or colored using pastel.

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