Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/21/11 through 2/25/11

We will be shifting gears a bit this week in the art-room. The warmer weather has given me to push an assignment forward, a bit. Nonetheless, we are "all" getting back into drawing a bit.
AP Art History needs to continue to think about their final 'What is Art' project. Use my school website for the detailed plan.

this week our art students can-
1st- 2D/3D: Hand-scapes- students will create an imaginary landscape involving their hand and/or hands. Your hands need to be as representational as possible. Where as, you background and other continuing images do not need to be.
2nd -Art 1: Hand-scapes- see lesson above
3rd- AP Art History: Surrealism & Modern Art
4th Advanced Art- You biggest complaint. My biggest complaint :This is a first time lesson for me. I've had the concept for years, but honestly, now willing to brave it. Students will split their paper in half. One side will be a drawing of their biggest complaint and the other my biggest complaint of them.
5th AP Art Studio: Still-life drawing of their choice. Minimum of three objects.
7th- Ceramics: finish pinch pots, continue on to coil pots. This week will be our first fire.

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