Sunday, February 27, 2011

week of Feb. 28 through March 4th

Please, if you get the chance check out our web-show _ The Art-Room and Beyond hosted by Samuel Perkins located on our school website. It's always fun and entertaining.  Plus, an art show is in the works. Look for updates.

Our Art students can-
2D/3D- Create an unusual pitch-pot that is sculptural
Art I- Create a collage that tells a story
AP Art History- continue with lecturing about modern art
Advance Art- Create an illustration of a joke
AP Art Studio- continue work on portfolios & summarize designs for murals
Ceramics- continue with coil pot making and move into sculptural

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Masters, Two Opposing Approaches

Two Masters, Two Opposing Approaches to Art
Every profession has its own history in which the accumulation of knowledge is the basis to push the frontiers into the unknown. Dali and Picasso are two masters who stand at the vanguard of two opposite approaches to art in the Twentieth Century: To use that accumulated knowledge and build upon it, or to discard it.
Dali embraced all the science of painting as a way to study the psyche through subconscious images. He called this process the Paranoiac Critical Method. As any paranoiac, the artist should allow these images to reach the conscience, and then do what the paranoiac cannot do: Freeze them on canvas to give consciousness the opportunity to comprehend their meaning. Later on, he expanded the process into the Oniric-Critical Method, in which the artist pays attention to his dreams, freezing them through art, and analyzing them as well. As Freud said, "A dream that is not interpreted is like a letter that is not opened."
Picasso took the opposite approach to art. He inherited the gusto for ugliness, scandal and chaos of the Dada movement and the automatic surrealists. Picasso rejected the craft to become "primitive," deciding that the ingenuity of childhood is the basis of art. To him this meant that the less the artist is preoccupied with his craft the better his art. To Dali, however, the "ingenuity of childhood" meant keeping an open mind and maintaining the curiosity and excitement of the child throughout one's life, not painting as a child.

(c) Monica Sanchez

2/21/11 through 2/25/11

We will be shifting gears a bit this week in the art-room. The warmer weather has given me to push an assignment forward, a bit. Nonetheless, we are "all" getting back into drawing a bit.
AP Art History needs to continue to think about their final 'What is Art' project. Use my school website for the detailed plan.

this week our art students can-
1st- 2D/3D: Hand-scapes- students will create an imaginary landscape involving their hand and/or hands. Your hands need to be as representational as possible. Where as, you background and other continuing images do not need to be.
2nd -Art 1: Hand-scapes- see lesson above
3rd- AP Art History: Surrealism & Modern Art
4th Advanced Art- You biggest complaint. My biggest complaint :This is a first time lesson for me. I've had the concept for years, but honestly, now willing to brave it. Students will split their paper in half. One side will be a drawing of their biggest complaint and the other my biggest complaint of them.
5th AP Art Studio: Still-life drawing of their choice. Minimum of three objects.
7th- Ceramics: finish pinch pots, continue on to coil pots. This week will be our first fire.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2/14/11 - 2/18/11

If we all remember, due to snow and the half day last week, our critique for last weeks lesson has been moved to wednesday. Remember, there will be two grades for this assignment: 1- completion (50 or 100), 2- regular critique grade.
We will be starting another assignment thursday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Week of Feb. 7th

Well, we made it 5 days last week. The way the winter has gone this year that is actually quite an accomplishment. Needless to say, to have new assignments for this week. Below is our..."I CANs' for the week.

Student Can-
1st- 3D Art: This week students are to interpret a phrase or word, in 3D, making a visual pun.
       -----> example: church mouse, grandfather clock, etc.
2nd-Art I: Monochromatic painting
      ------> pick your own image, anything. Then using ONE color create image.
3rd- AP Art History: Continuation of study into Modern Art: Supremism, DaDa, inc.
4th- Adv Art: Self-portrait (any media)
5th- AP Studio Art: Self-portrait (any media)
7th- "Pick your poison; clay project"
     ------> students are to pick a project of their choice. This will be their final project using air-dry clay.

All projects will be due by determined time in class.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Political Art

What is political art? Why is it or why isn't it important? Very valid questions, says I. Nonetheless, the less you think the more they think for you. Pay Witness.