Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week of Jan 28 - Feb 1.

aaaaaaandddd.....herrrrrrrrrrrre.....weeeeeeeeee.....GOOOOOOOOOO! The craziness that is spring and pre-spring is upon us. Art Shows, deadlines, AP portfolios......OH MY! Nah! Just Bring it! We're got a lot of talent this year and we're willing to see what we got. Below are some important up and coming deadlines:

Ohio University Southern- 3rd Annual Tri-State Art Show- Deadline digital submission Feb 1.  <---- Click Here to Register!

Morehead State University Regional High School Art Show- Deadline by Feb 11.

STLP State Competition at Rupp Area- Deadline by digital submission is Feb. 11.

Some of these dates I have bumped up to meet OUR deadlines for work.

Plus, Miss Tiffany Botts is our student teacher at present time!

Tiffany is from Morehead State University. She came highly recommended by the staff at MSU. She is a ceramist and painter. As the weeks go along, Tiffany will be taking a larger and larger role in our room, until she will be teaching a whole weeks worth of lessons. We're expecting great things from ol' Tiff bags.....Namaste young teacher!

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: 'A play on words' paper mache project. This lesson was given last week. Work is expected this week. due Feb 1.
2- New Media: continuation of the Cancer project
4- 2D/3D: 'A play on words' paper mache project. This lesson was given last week. Work is expected this week. due Feb 1.
5- Advanced Art: 'A play on words' paper mache project. This lesson was given last week. Work is expected this week. due Feb 1.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio Work
7- Art I: Pinch Pot finish. Students will be finishing their glazing of their project for a final fire this thursday.

as always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Monday, January 21, 2013

Week of Jan 22-25

This week will be quite interesting. Not only were we out for Martin Luther King Jr Day, but we will be out this coming thursday for the Boys All 'A' State Tournament in Frankfort. Three days a work week is alright. However, it doesn't do an art room any good. Day = work. Needless to say, we will be critiquing tuesday and then 'starting' our new assignments. This short week should help Art I with their ceramics project drying.

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: 'A play on words'. Students are to create a paper mache sculpture of play on words. For example a 'Grandfather Clock' would look like a clock with a beard and cane, etc. Short demo on paper mache will be given.
2- New Media: Continuation of the cancer project.
4- 2D/3D: 'A play on words'. Students are to create a paper mache sculpture of play on words. For example a 'Grandfather Clock' would look like a clock with a beard and cane, etc. Short demo on paper mache will be given.
5- Advanced Art: 'A play on words'. Students are to create a paper mache sculpture of play on words. For example a 'Grandfather Clock' would look like a clock with a beard and cane, etc. Short demo on paper mache will be given.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio Work
7- Art I: Firing and glazing ceramic pieces.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year.
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, January 13, 2013

week of Jan 14-18

So we continue into the world of roaring away. Everyone did surprisingly well on our paper sculpture lesson. Some really nice work came out of it. Now, just for it to continue......
RHS Art students can ---->
1- 2D/3D: Found Object Sculpture- students are to construction a 3 dimensional animal out of found objects. When complete the object maybe painted and colored. Objects from the art room may not be used.
2- New Media: continuation of the "We can change the world" project.
4- 2D/3D: Found Object Sculpture- students are to construction a 3 dimensional animal out of found objects. When complete the object maybe painted and colored. Objects from the art room may not be used.
5- Advanced Art: Found Object Sculpture- students are to construction a 3 dimensional animal out of found objects. When complete the object maybe painted and colored. Objects from the art room may not be used.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio Work
7- Art I: Phase two of the pottery project. Students will continue to design/decorate the exterior of their vessels. Then they will be fired on tuesday. Wednesday we will begin to glaze. Thursday continue to glaze. Finish with second fire friday.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of Jan 7-11

Welcome back! First full week back since out winter break. It's time to get going. The spring semester is BY FAR the BUSIEST! During this semester we will be showing in Morehead, Ironton, & hopefully Lexington. Every single person will have a chance at showing work in our Spring art show. Lots & lots of things going on. Without further adieu ------->

RHS Art Students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: 3D out of 2D. This week students will be taking a single sheet of white drawing paper & transforming it into a 3D piece of art. No paper maybe thrown away. All of the paper MUST BE used. It maybe colored. It maybe glued. It may be fixed. It maybe representational or abstract.
2- New Media" "We can change the world by....". Students are to break off into groups. Each group will be responsible to creating a video (for full viewing) that explains how individuals their age can and have changed the world. The preferred genre is info-doc.
4- 2D/3D: 3D out of 2D. This week students will be taking a single sheet of white drawing paper & transforming it into a 3D piece of art. No paper maybe thrown away. All of the paper MUST BE used. It maybe colored. It maybe glued. It may be fixed. It maybe representational or abstract.
5- Advanced Art: 3D out of 2D. This week students will be taking a single sheet of white drawing paper & transforming it into a 3D piece of art. No paper maybe thrown away. All of the paper MUST BE used. It maybe colored. It maybe glued. It may be fixed. It maybe representational or abstract.
6- AP Art Studio: Studio Work
7- Art I: Beginning Ceramics- students will create an drinking vessel, by hand method, that will be fired and then glazed for use. Purpose of this project is to create functional art.

As Always....
Our Week Beats Your Year....
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle