Sunday, December 16, 2012

Final week of school for 2012 Dec. 17-20

My mind and mood is quite angry today. Locate the news to know why.

This week is finals weeks. below is the schedule for our classes. Please, check to what days are finals are. For the most part, each final will consist of a one day in class assignment. It is extremely important to be here the days of your final. The remaining class times and days will consist of a one week, simple assignment that WILL go in this nine weeks grading period.

Monday, December 17th
1st and 3rd period exams

Tuesday, December 18th
2nd and 4th period exams

Wednesday, December 19th
5th period exam

Thursday, December 20th
6th and 7th period exams  

May god help us all. 

Mr Jeremy Grizzle

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week of Dec. 10-14

We have, officially, two week until winter break. This time of year is hard, for all of us, to focus on the task at hand. This certainly includes me. However, we will finish out the physical year with two assignments. AP, remember, thought there are a lot of your submitting, regardless if you are or NOT, you must have a completed AP style portfolio to me by the AP deadline. The midway date or half portfolio check is Dec. 19th. Do not put yourself in academic trouble simply due to your own laziness. REMEMBER: Half of your AP portfolio serves as your semester exam and grade.
     The rest of us with continue to work dealing with 'holiday-type' issues. Please read below.

RHS Art Students Can ----->

1- 2D/3D: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
2- New Media: Christmas Music Videos- as per student request, students are to create (at school) a christmas music video of a song of their choice. This maybe individual or independent.
4- 2D/3D: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
5- Ad. Art: One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolio Work
7- Art I : One Christmas Wish- students are to paint (on paper) one wish for this holiday season. The genre is of your choosing. This maybe representative or conceptual.

As always,
Our Week Beats Your Year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week Dec. 3- 7 Ain't Nobody Got Time for THAT!

Whole lota painting going on in the art room these past and coming weeks. Pretty much all projects have been extend from last week to this week. So, for the most part lesson plans for this week should look quite similar to last. Big congratulations to many various art students that qualified for Nationals with the BETA Club. Recognition and awards are good & fine, though never a measuring stick to actual art, but it only goes to show how many TALENTED students we have in our school. Not just academics. Not just athletic. We have students that are talented in various places that most 'educators' rarely look. We are those that are touched by God. Namaste.

As always it's quite busy back in the art room. However, we need to make a special attempt to clean and clean out materials and brushes. I ain't yo momma & I'm sure yo momma don't clean brushes.

RHS Art students can ----->

1- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Continuation.....
2- New Media: A Christmas Story. Continuation....
4- 2D/3D: Reworking a master's painting. Continuation....
5- Advanced Art: Cheesy Christmas Portraits. Continuation....
6- AP Art Studio: Portfolio work
7- Art I: Cheesy Christmas Portraits. This was originally to be a painting lesson on still-life. However, Art I students want to do this project. I agreed.

As Always....
Our Week Beats Your Year...
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle