Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week of Feb 20 -24

So.....having the flu really stinks. I will back on monday, though a bit weaker. Hopefully, everyone's clay pieces will make it through the firing process and we can begin to glaze our projects this coming week. Also, as a side note, we ALL will be diving back into drawing for a spell. Just to keep our selfs in tune, then we will start into other projects.

RHS Art students can ----->

1: Art I- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on ethnic self portraits
3: AP Art History- Art & Revolution. Study guides will be given out
4: 2D/3D- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on ethnic self portraits
5: Adv. Art- continue work on sculpture. Begin work on 'eating fruit drawing'.
6: AP Art Studio- self portrait work
7: New Media- look at photos. Begin portraits that represent emotions project

As always.....
Our weeks beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of Feb 13 - 17th

     Ms. Claxon will continue to hold the lead this week. Our clay sculptures are looking quite impressive. Not only has she taught you, she has taught me as well. Continue to check back here to see any sort of updates on this.
     New Media will be taking a break from video-ing for a spell. Look forward to a few more hands-on projects and artwork.
     We are hitting the world of avant garde europe during and between the world wars. Please be reading as much as you can. Your last tests are about finished. You will receive them back before the next test.

-----> RHS Art Students can
1: Art- Clay Sculpture continue
3: AP Art History- continue with Dada into Art of the Revolutions
4: 3D- Clay Sculpture continue
5: Ad. Art- Clay Sculpture continue
6: AP Art Studio- Self Portrait work.
7: New Media- Memorial poster due. Begin work on 'Odd placement' photography lesson.

As always,
Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of Feb 6 through 10

     Ms. Claxon will be taking the lead this week in several of our classes. She will be giving a two week lesson on clay sculpture. Please not which class she will be leading below. 
     This week there will be some need to begin some serious work on the spring art show. I will be placing phone calls to various individuals pertaining to this. 
     Many of us got into the second annual Southern Ohio University High School Art Show. If you didn't get in please, no worries. Being rejected, from time to time, is part of being an artist. Talk to Claude Monet if you want a pick me up. :) Nonetheless, here are the students that made it:

Shelly Gupta
Shelby Halter
Alexandra Holmes
Anna Reneau
Kathryn Robinson
Clifton Ross

RHS Art Students can ----->
1: Art I- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
3: AP Art History- Early to Modern Art
4: 3D- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
5: Advanced Art- Clay Sculpture with Ms. Claxon
6: AP Art Studio- continued work with portfolio. Individual conferences will take place
7: New Media- Self-portrait lesson is due. Will begin new work in photography.

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Grizzle