Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of Nov. 28 through Dec. 2

Thanksgiving Break is over. It was a pretty good one for me. This coming week will be a busy one. We will be finishing up our lessons on hand built pottery. Hopefully, everything will be dry enough to fire and and we will fire on monday. Through our the week we will be glazing and finishing these vessels.
     We will be jumping back into drawing a bit. The theme for this weeks drawing lesson is 'Fists & Feet'. The main goal of these drawing is to create a finished product with a bit of drawing technique involved. Most people find drawing to be some sort of magical thing that only a few people can do. This isn't the case. Drawing takes time. Especially when trying to create something representational. We'll all see after my discussion on it this week.

     AP Art History will be diving in Gothic Art with the Renaissance in the near distance. Gothic Art, at times can be over looked, but in lies a grand importance to the set-up for the master's of perspective and humanistic creation.
     It is unfortunate that when we think of 'gothic' we think of this --------->
     Though, beautiful in it's own right. The 'modern' interpretation of Goth is a lot different.

RHS Art students can ----->
1- Art I: Students will begin the 'Fist & Feet' project
3- AP Art History: Gothic Art
4- 2D/3D: Students will begin the 'Fist & Feet' project
5- Adv. Art- Students will begin the 'Fist & Feet' project. Student may also dip into the digital realm using cameras and film. However, all work must be done at school.
6- AP Art Studio: continuing work on concentration. Students may also partake in the 'Fist & Feet' project if needed.
7- New Media: Commercials & Clay-mation.

Our week beats your year,
Mr. Jeremy Grizzle

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of Nov. 21....two day'er

      This week will be quite a quick one. After we return from Thanksgiving Break we will be hitting it hard until Winter Break. We will be having quite a bit of 3D project to complete until then. Plus, we will be hitting the books hard in AP Art History. Renaissance here we come.
RHS Art Students can ----->
1 Art I- Begin work on paper mache' project
3 AP Art History- Romanesque & Gothic Art
4 2D/3D- Begin work on still-life sketch for faux litho print
5 Advanced Art- Begin work on still-life for faux litho print
6 AP Art Studio- continue with portfolio work
7 New Media- continue work on Commercials

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of Nov. 14 - 18

     Well, welcome to the only full week of November. Quite interesting. Nonetheless, things will be picking up in relation to activity in the art room until winter break. All my classes will heading into the 3D world, with the exception of AP Art History, New Media & AP Art Studio. We will be breaking the clay out to create some hand built pots. We will be creating thrown pottery soon, but not quite yet.
     Hand built pottery has been a favorite thing of mine for quite some time. Being able to create a vessel out of clay, forming it using only your hands to a powerful statement. Just think about it. :) Hundreds of songs have been created, relating to this subject.
     It is important to make sure that you are deliberate. Pinch pots and coil pots are only as good as the people behind them. Take your time. Use the plastic to cover. Make good art.

     RHS Art students can ----->
1 Art I- Coil pots/Pinch Pots. Demo to be shown
3 AP Art History- Early Medieval Art/Medieval Art
4 2D/3D- Coil pots/Pinch Pots
5 Advanced Art- Coil Pots/Pinch Pots
6 AP Art Studio- portfolio work
7 New Media- Genre Work. Commercials

p.s. I haven't forgot that we haven't critiqued the 'Bodyscapes'. We will have this crit this coming friday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week of November 9-11

     Wow! What a long weekend can do. Though I've been mostly ill this whole long weekend, it has been great to be able to sit back and relax with family. This week will be an eventful one with the annual Veteran's Day presentation and our short week. The month of November will fly by, so don't blink.
 AP Art History students need to make sure and send me your e-mail address. I am starting a 'Group' using our free Microsoft software supplied by the state. In this group will be able to communicate a bit more outside of class for various projects. Sound like a lot more work? Well, not really. It will actually be to your benefit. Make sure to check our site, twitter & here for updates.
     AP Art Studio. Your first major deadline is Dec. 16th. Half of your portfolio needs to be complete, including shots, etc. Do not let this date slip up on you.
     Since this is a short week, our assignment will be confind a bit. However, thought (as always) is needed to receive a good grade for this assignment. The topic is the human body as landscape. How can you us a picture of a person body to create a landscape-like image?

RHS art student can ----->
1 Art I- 'Body-scapes'
3 AP Art History- continued study in NonWestern Art.
4 2D- 'Body-scapes'
5 Advanced Art- 'Body-scapes'
6 AP Art Studio- portfolio work
7 New Media- Genre film