Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week of May 23 through May 27th

     These are the end days. No 'rapture' jokes here. It's the truth, we have very little school left. As usual, it will either creep by or speed by. I am sure for the seniors, it will creep by. This weeks assignment, for all classes, was given last wednesday. Final pieces of work should be done, and hung by this coming friday. Also, I am looking for all ceiling tiles to be finished by May 27th as well. This week, we are also going to be doing some extensive cleaning in the art room. Slowly but surely the 'Grizzle Revolution' has moved into the room and by the beginning of next school I hope it will be fully realized. This being said, any art work not account for by this friday will be discarded; trashed. There is a great part of me is sadden by this statement, but for the sake of my sanity (to late) and others it must be done.
     Sam is also in the works of making a year in review show for the 'Art-Room & Beyond' web show. This one should be fun for everyone.

                                         Bride Stripped of Her Bachelors, Even by Marcel Duchamp

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ARTSHOW! -Update

First off, sorry for the lack of posts.....we've been a bit busy. The art show went really well. See the photos below......more to come.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week of May 9 through 13th

ARTSHOW! ARTSHOW! ARTSHOW! Our artshow is May 17th from 6 to 8 pm. There will be a lot of artwork on display, finger foods, and live music. Our students have worked pretty well this year, in spite of a newbie to the building! :) Nonetheless, this week are continuing to finish up any work that we need in order to show on next tuesday. We's all excite!