Tuesday, January 25, 2011

thoughts and ideas 1/24 - 1/29

Hello all. Below is what we are doing this week in the art-room. Unless noted otherwise, these assignments are due- friday Feb 4th.

1st- 2D/3D: You are to create a 'chalk' pastel image of some political issue you have a strong stance on.
2nd- Art I: You are to create a two images- one 'good' memory when you were younger, one 'bad'. Your are to switch the 'mood' using color only. How is this done?
3rd- AP Art History: We will continue our study into Realism, Impressionism and the emergence of 'modern art'.
4th- Advanced Art: You are to create a painted of some political issue you have a strong stance on.
5th- AP Studio Art: In order to build more breadth for your portfolio you are to paint an image dealing directly with ONE art element of your choice
     Art Elements- Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Space, Value, Color
6th- My Planning
7th- Ceramics: You are to create a decorative bowl/plate using the molds or some other explained/demonstrated method. These are due Wednesday Feb. 2nd.

As always,
".....if you ever need a big tall glass of cool.....come back to the art room"
Mr. Grizzle